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Question on heights... I know it's stupid but I'm just a bit confused.


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So what I've been wondering is, which is a really stupid question and I will probably go off on a tangent from it, I know, but am I tall enough to rest my head on my boyfriends shoulder? I'm really shy and can't bring myself to just do it because I keep thinking, what if I'm awkward, I'm not tall enough, and all of these random worries. To get to the point, I'm 5'9 and my boyfriend is 6'2 so I do have to kinda look up to him. If we are sitting down, can I rest my head on his shoulder? Is that a normal thing to do? Am I unnecessarily freaking out? I'm 17 years old almost 18 but I've never had a boyfriend before so I'm kinda clueless. We've been dating for five months now, haha to this day actually, but I'm still to shy to get close to him even though I really want to. He had put his shoulder around me once when my friend dared him to and instead of being normal I stiffened up and now I think I made him feel like I don't want to be close to him.... I went off on a tangent, sorry about that. So I guess my question is by five months where is a couple normally at? And am I an alright height to lay against him? Thanks for listening to my odd worries.


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After five months, that's fine. Some girls will do it on the first date like when going to the movies. You don't have to worry about height. I wouldn't necessarily do it while you're walking around because it's awkward, but sitting down, that's fine.


Of course, if your boyfriend is a little distant, it could trigger either him feeling closer to you or cause him to withdraw. Usually, it will draw him closer.

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Well if you're sitting then height doesn't really matter. I will say though I had a bf when I was in high school and I was the same way with him because I was so shy. He ended up breaking up with me because he thought I wasn't interested. If you want to just go for it and maybe tell him how you're feeling? You will get more comfortable with time.


But yeah, I'm 5'4 and had boyfriends over 6 feet tall and I could rest my head on their shoulder when we were sitting. Like I said, when you're sitting height isn't really a factor.

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