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why can't we just be friends

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there's this girl at school and I really don't like her and she does't like me. She causes me a lot of problems and is always doing everything she can to make me feel bad. I've tried everything to try to work things out and nothing works. She spreads rumors about me and tries to steal away all of my friends. She tells lies about me and calls me names. I really can't stand it anymore. I don't know what to do . I've got advice about it but none of it seems to work. My mom tells me not to let her get to me but I can't because it does get to me. I think I've tried everything except fighting her but I'm not a violent person. My mom say that if it comes to fighting her to do it and that it may just be what she wants. I think my moms right about how charlene might just want to fight because she's always telling everyone that she wants to fight me. So should i do it next time she treatens me ?If not then please someone tell me something that i can do.

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First off violence doesn't solve anything, it only makes things worse. Also, if your friends are being persuaded by them- stop being your friend- then they aren't real friends anyways. I would smile as big as I can whenever I see her- letting her know that you are the happiest person in the world and she can't get to you. Don't let other people control your emotions. And there are friends out there that are more than happy to be your friend.

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Hi - I think you should listen to your mom. Don't let this other girl get to you. I think that she is probably jealous of you for some reason, she feels insecure, and as a result, keeps speading rumors about you and that's why she is threatening you. I think you should really really try your hardest to ignore her. I think this girl has a lot of problems and is taking things out on you. Don't spead rumors back. Don't give her the satisfaction of knowing she bugs you. Just hold your head up high. Come here if you want to vent. There is no use in fighting her - it's really not going to solve anything, now is it?


Feel free to PM me whenever you'd like.


Take care!

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There are some people who feed off bothering/annoying/harassing others. They like to push other people's buttons...probably because of something lacking within themselves.


Sounds like you're dealing with someone like that. It won't be easy, but the best thing to do is stop giving her what she wants. Anytime she can see she's bothered or hurt you, she gets what she's looking for which means she'll keep coming back for more. If she doesn't get what she's after, she may escalate her behavior for a while, but if you keep giving a non-response, she'll probably get bored and find another victim.


You're going to run into people like every once in a while your entire life. The quicker you can spot them and not get sucked into their little psychodrama, the quicker they'll go elsewhere.

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I feel for you I really do. I'm much older then you and I can still see how hard it is to avoid knocking the life out of someone who keeps discord going and wont stop. I suggest that you avoid her at all cost. Also go to a supervisor or school council and if that doesnt work then find better friends who wont turn on you so quickly and get support from them. If it has to be a fight, you want to atleast know that you did all in your power to avoid it. Also keep in mind that you will get in trouble at your school even if she started it, both of you will be reprimanded. Since you say you have tried talking to her and she just wont let up, these are the only other options i can think of.

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sumtime people just chose to dislike you for watever reason, hey you in like highsckoo rii so deres boun to b idiots in ya class dat chosse ta be ignorant, just forget about them they're not worth your time just ignore them she'll get bored eventually

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