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Found someone I like, but not sure if I already messed up

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it's been over a year now that I have been on this site...hopefully someone can help me out or give me some pointers.


I (28y) have recently started to go to church and met a real nice woman (24y). We started to see each other quite regularly. I really started to like her a lot and wish that this would become something more than friendship.


She is from another country, in the progress of learning my native language and doesn't got much friends here. So I guess that's why she didn't mind hanging out with me. Last night after having spent a nice evening with her, I told her the way I felt about her and asked if she had any feelings for me in that way. The reason why I broad it up was that she started saying how she likes me as a friend. And I have heard that many times already and it sure lead to nowhere. So I thought I would be a bit more offensive. I know I put pressure on her. What makes it even more difficult is, that she never had a boyfriend and is thereforeeee real shy and unsure. But there are signs that I think let me know that she likes me also. She giggles a lot in a shy way when I do something funny and she doesn't mind me getting close to her. But because she hasn't had any experience this would have gone nowhere, if I just kept to my feelings. Also which makes me act quick is, that there are many other guys who are interested in her, but she hasn't figured it out yet. Anyways, I wonder if I went too far and what I should do now. I will be seeing her tomorrow again. She didn't give me any direct answer and I told her that she shouldn't. I just wanted to know if there might be a possibility that she could see us together in the near future. Hmmm...maybe I really did blow it. But she didn't mind meeting me tomorrow again. So should I just leave things the way they are and see where it goes?


Kind regards,



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It is normal to ask someone you are interested in if they feel the same way. How else will you know if there is a chance at more? I don't think you did anything wrong. However, as she is shy, inexperienced, and from another country with not a lot of friends here, I would move slowly. Continue to be a gentleman. Be patient. Good luck.

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hey - well, it doesn't sound like things are too messed up yet I'd try not to put any pressure on her for anything romantic. That may scare her off. Keep hanging out with her, ask her lots of questions about her, you know - be generally interested in her life and her opinions. Be a complete gentleman.


good luck!!! I hope you win her heart over - you sound like a great guy!

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I dont believe that putting ur feelings out there like that was a good thing when she has only said that she likes you as a friend. At this point its hard to say what exact position you are in. Keep an open mind with the situation and dont read anymore into the situation than you already have.

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damn and I thought this was going to be a more interesting topic..... *shrugs*


the first mistake you made as going to church... but that's your choice to go to a specified building to show your faith instead of just having your faith. *shrugs* BUt then again I'm not a religious guy.


and as to your question... of sorts.


No you haven't mucked anything up yet. Take your crap slow. And every 9once in a while give a good push like buying her flowers or giving her a quick kiss on the lips if you're saying goodnight or one on the cheek to just be 'cute'.


and realize you got off easy with my adivce muahaha.... I'm usually a harsh master.

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Hi Guys,


thanks a lot for the quick tips.


As I mentioned, I got to see her again yesterday. We had a great time. Did some baking and got to watch a movie...I got to put my arms around her and she didn't mind.

I dropped her off home and even gave her a quick kiss on the lips. But today when I picked her up for church she told me that she felt uncomfortable about the kiss, since it was her first time. So ok, I told her that I was sorry and that I would leave it up to her to decide how things should go. She agreed that this would be best. But I wonder if this will go anywhere.


Anyways, thanks guys and I guess that's the best thing I could do now...just take it easy.


Kind regards,



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