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I'm in Unrequited love with my best friend

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Alright, so I love my best friend deeply, probably more than I've loved anyone before, and that wouldn't be a problem but he doesn't feel the same kind of love for me anymore. We have dated twice, we broke up the first time because I had brain surgery and a relationship was just too much while dealing with all of what happened. The second time he broke up with me because "I am a better best friend than a girlfriend." I've never gotten over the second break up. He's remained my best friend though, even with the break ups. He and I are very close, and we play flirt all the time. Now I know that there is no chance of us getting back together and I know that he can't help that he feels the way he does. I just desperately want to get over him. He's been seeing a girl recently and I just found out this morning because he posted a picture of them together in our friends group chat. It hurt really bad to see that, and I want to stop having those feelings for him without losing him as a friend.

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Continuing to hang out be in love with him be best friends stay in touch etc is not healthy for you or for his new relationship. It's holding you back and hurt you.


You need to get on dating apps to find guys to date. Sorry you can't be 'just friends' if his new happiness "hurts you".

He and I are very close, and we play flirt all the time. He's been seeing a girl recently and I just found out this morning because he posted a picture of them together in our friends group chat. It hurt really bad to see that, and I want to stop having those feelings for him without losing him as a friend.
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Actually, if you were dating him, not dumping him when you had surgery could have meant that you received good support from him. Maybe he dumped you the second time because he wasn't fully invested after having been dumped the first time. Either way, I think you should tell him how you feel - that it doesn't seem fair that he flirts with you, yet doesn't want to date you - that you are going to need to stop seeing him. Or go the indirect route and be busy spending time with other friends and address the situation if he asks what's up. Either way, you can't continue to do this to yourself

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