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Are you in love, or are you infatuated?


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ah yes.. love. everyone wants to be in love.. the butterflies, the hormones taking over your mind, the constant need to remind them how beautiful they are...


wait sorry, that isn't love. that's infatuation!


you may ask yourself, what does a high school student know about love?


well... you'll be surprised


infatuation occurs at the beginning of almost every relationship. most people mistake this for love when it's just your hormones talking. infatuation... the butterflies, hanging out every other day, calling your partner perfect! excessive compliments. you can't live without them. you put your partner on this throne and worship them. they're constantly on your mind 24/7. infatuation causes you to overlook the ugly, and move at 100 mph in a relationship. i thought i was in love, but i was infatuated, and so was he. you cant control your hormones, sorry. depending on conflict, time spent together, etc. Infatuafion usually lasts 3-6 months. the more you argue and spend time with each other, the quicker the infatuation wears off and you see the reality of your relationship. when infatuation wears off, people go in panic mode! "am I not in love anymore? help!" or they just dump you and look for someone else to be in-love-with-but-actually-infatuated. infatuation is like getting a brand new car. at first, you love your new car so much, then as time goes by, you get used to it. you love your car still, but its not as exciting as it used to be. sorry for comparing a person to a car, but that's how it is. you don't have a life outside of your new bf or gf, all your time is spent on them! stop letting tv shows show you what "love" is.


love. love is taking your partner off of that throne, and putting them on the same ground you're on. you've seen them when they look super hot, and when they look like they've come from the depths of hell, but you still love them. you've seen the good, the bad, the ugly, everything. you know they're flawed, and that's what makes them unique. love is being comfortable with your partner. love is supporting your partner, and striving them to follow their goals. you're not in love if your hormones are talking. love is respect for your partner, and respect for yourself. love is when you've have a life outside of your partner, and they do too. yea i don't know a lot about love, i've only truly been in love once.


i dated someone who thought infatuation was love... sigh.


infatuation is calling your partner perfect, when they're not.

love is accepting your partner on their bad hair day, knowing they're not perfect.


unfortunately i know more about infatuation since i am just a high school student. go me!


thoughts? suggestions? thanks for reading!

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I'd say it is partly infatuation. But I'd say the honeymoon phase with any is still there at times just not always but with Ellen is all the time. I am a very easy going person so acceptance is easy and fights are very rare.

Believe me for both of them they aren't infatuation. There is full acceptance.

I always wanted to learn of phases of love because the first part is that.

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I felt I was in the honeymoon phase for the first seven years out of ten with my ex. When he fell down I tried to help him back up but he didn't want me at that point. I could argue why I wanted to stay and help until my face turned blue but he didn't want any part of a relationship. I still love him and always will. I mean I'm not in love with him anymore but our love that was raw and real will always thrive. That I feel is true love!


We had an odd bout of infatuation and love the first time we met. It was a rare occurrence of love at first sight. We were all giddy so I do believe that's where the infatuation comes into play. We had this bonded connection right off the bat! We also went through hell and back with life and our own ups and downs during those seven years.


I never felt like I wasn't into him after the time period for the initial honeymoon phase to end. I felt whatever came our way as long as I had him in my life everything was beautiful.


What I found was truly rare though and I consider him one of my great loves.


I wish everyone could find what we had during those seven years. Good intention, respect, not placing each other higher then the other, open communication and honesty.


That you can even figure out early on sometimes.


So yes I believe infatuation can come before love in most cases. I have just been fortunate to have had the miracle of both right off the bat.



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I felt I was in the honeymoon phase for the first seven years out of ten with my ex. When he fell down I tried to help him back up but he didn't want me at that point. I could argue why I wanted to stay and help until my face turned blue but he didn't want any part of a relationship. I still love him and always will. I mean I'm not in love with him anymore but our love that was raw and real will always thrive. That I feel is true love!


We had an odd bout of infatuation and love the first time we met. It was a rare occurrence of love at first sight. We were all giddy so I do believe that's where the infatuation comes into play. We had this bonded connection right off the bat! We also went through hell and back with life and our own ups and downs during those seven years.


I never felt like I wasn't into him after the time period for the initial honeymoon phase to end. I felt whatever came our way as long as I had him in my life everything was beautiful.


What I found was truly rare though and I consider him one of my great loves.


I wish everyone could find what we had during those seven years. Good intention, respect, not placing each other higher then the other, open communication and honesty.


That you can even figure out early on sometimes.


So yes I believe infatuation can come before love in most cases. I have just been fortunate to have had the miracle of both right off the bat.




what you felt is super rare and it sounds amazing! i hope i can experience that one day! but for now i'll probably be in relationships with horny infatuated teenage boys.. sigh

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"You know they're flawed but that is what makes them unique."


Agree! I remember reading a post from a guy who didn't think he loved his girlfriend because he didn't 'love' her flaws. He erroneoulsly thought that being in love meant loving those flaws.


To me, love doesn't mean 'loving' your partner's flaws, it means 'accepting' their flaws and loving them 'in spite' of their flaws. As OP said, no one is perfect, maybe just 'perfect for us' not because they don't have flaws, but because of their uniqueness and the special connection you share with them, whether they are up, down, happy, sad, cranky or any other mood.. Acceptance is important. If you can't accept you can't love.


To me infatuation is like a crush. Sometimes it develops to stronger emotion like love, but it can fizzle out quickly too. Infatuation is fickle, love is constant.

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