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How can I fix this?


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Well this is a guy from my tutions who continously flirted with me , from giving compliments to asking my number. At first, I took it sportingly, then due to my attitude and ego problem, and somewhat due to the pressure from my friends that he isn't handsome enough, I started giving him rude replies and our conversation was dead since then. Then my bestie talked to him on fb and he told her that he was not flirting with me, I must have misunderstood him. He also said that I am too proud , egoistic ,mean and full of attitude, Knowing this , I confronted him and asked why he said these things behind my back. He simply accepted his mistake and said he was wrong in doing this.Afterwards, he still gives me glances and flirty looks but I want it to go a step farther. I feel that I am starting to like him .I am so confused. What should I do now? Besides everyone tells me that I terribly misterated him.

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How old are you, OP?


I hope you have learned an important lesson, which is not to treat people so poorly. He apparently did nothing to warrant your rudeness.


If you want to make amends, ask him if he would be willing to talk. But the best thing to do is take time alone for make some positive changes and weed out friends who think it's okay to mistreat others. They're not your friends.

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Actually while talking to my friend, he terribly denied that he never flirted with me and said that I havemisunderstood him about that. I can't get those words outaa my mind. Besides when my friend asked him to help her in sorting this mess, he talked to me if I was worried or bothered about something. He actually asked if Ihad a problem with hi.. I replied in negative. I told him that I am just not used to being alone. He even said that he will help me if I ever need him.

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