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Here again i am for ur advises.. expecting more advises :-)

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Hey guys!!

As i already explained i was in relation with my ex for 3.5 years.. So we met in a very filmy style n came together everything was gorgeous..

Actually belong to a financially very strong family than mine.. He was also doing very good study than me.. So he has a secured future but on the contrary i am not economically stable still struggling to stabalise.. N of course careerwise too..

In the starting whn we came together everyone around us opposed this relation bt he went against everyone n choosen me over everything even his family denials too..

Than started our relation he taught me so so much things during our relation n he provided me with more luxurious life than i cn afford bt i always told not spent his money over me bcoz i dont support such thngs..

whn we met he was nothng in career so i helped him so much in his studies so he managed to get his career in doing so i somehow ignored mine .. n throughout our relation we were long distance bt distance has tremendously increased during last 1.5 year..

we had lots of fights during this period n he broken up 3 to 4 times during that period bt again i managed to convince him n he has very high temper so he is aggressive n so tortured me mentally many a times bcoz i dont really know argumenting n i like to be shy so i used to heard always bt than after a day or hours he used to come n said sorry he told me in the starting he has some harmonal problm n asked will i be able to cop up i told yes n agreed to be with me so i accepted this n in a long run i reduced his aggressiveness to some extent n i guided him so much through his clg life..

n i loved him so much that i made him my whole world that wht he will or wht nt.. N everything revolved around him only how to look only for him where to go only for him no frnds no outing with anyone else..

now the time came whn suddnly he stopped taking n ignoring we were so far that i even could nt check what's going on bt i continued to trust him than once he told he does not love me anymore .. Than after few days blocked me n than again after few days after my efforts to talk he told i m responible for everything negative in his life n he has too study very very hard .. than again after some days he confronted he has someone else to love..

m shocked, surprised , lost, n broken

than i met anyhow bt my anger broken down n i did slep him n he looked smwht upset bt i moved away bt next day i sent him sm msgs that i still love him n all bt told me to forget so i went into NC from 7 days bt now m crying every day n finding it really really hard to heal now i want ur advice guys were we ever compatible??

should i hope for his come back??

How can i heal??

N really i hate the moment when he come to my mind bt that girl also comes along with him in my mind

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No, you are not compatible. Everyone told you from the beginning for a reason. Your lifestyle and his don't mesh and therefore, it will eventually go in a downward spiral.


You did a lot for him, I get it, but at the end of the day, it was your choice. The relationship does not sound healthy in my opinion. it almost seems like you have an obsession over him. You gave up everything for him, which is not good in my eyes. You shouldn't have to look a certain way, act a certain way, dress a certain and cut out all your friends over a guy. Those are the things you should do for yourself. You need to love yourself in order for others to love you.


You could heal by getting some counselling because with what you described, you are too involved with him. (more so than he is with you) Continue with no contact, it will hurt for a while, but it will pass. Counselling is probably crucial for you, you need to work on the underlying issues. This is going to be more than just this break up. The obsession is troubling and I'd suggest you work on that so in your next relationship, you will know how to balance the relationship.

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