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Should I ask for her number?


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Should I ask for her number?

A week or two ago I met this woman at a video game store. We are both around the same age and have a lot of common. There was no one in the store when I first spoke with her and we talked for about 30-40 minutes after I made my purchase. I only left because a family walked in that she needed to help out. But even as I left we maintained eye contact until I had left the store. I could've asked her for her number then. But I did not and it seems to be haunting me.


Obviously this wasn't the best idea but I went to see her the next day. I had a good excuse and played things off pretty well all things considered. Her boss was there and it was a little more busy than usual. So I came back a week later and things were different and more favorable (a lot better lol). But some more people came in and I figured that I'd let her get back to her job. I feel like it wouldn't be professional for me or her to exchange that kind of information in front of her customers.


Should I really go for this or just quit? I've never really done anything like this before (talk to girls who are at work like this) and if I fail I'll likely never do this again. But I feel like there is something there. Although I'm not entirely sure what it is yet. I mean I haven't even asked yet. At the same time I've got to worry about whether she is being nice because she is being paid to be. Or if she is being nice because she is being genuine.

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Yeah, try to give her your number or better yet just ask if she wants to go for coffee, drinks, whatever one day after work. You'll have to buy a lot of video games but hey, the only way to find out is to ask her. Go for it.

There was no one in the store when I first spoke with her and we talked for about 30-40 minutes after I made my purchase. I went to see her the next day. I came back a week later.
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Go for it. Asking her to grab a coffee seems reasonable, and I think you are very considerate to be concerned about approaching her while she's working, but I still think an invitation like this is appropriate.


I hope you do it! She's probably watching you come in and wondering when you're going to make your move.


Good luck and keep us updated!

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Yes, go in and ask her if she wants to "Go out with me, sometime" and have your number on a bit of paper ready.


See, if you say "Dinner" or "Drinks" woman tend to have a knee-jerk reaction to those phrases. But if you keep it simple, she will feel more comfortable and probably say yes. That's when you hand her the number, and say "text me". Then the balls in her court. If she hurries away and tries to give you her number even better.

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Go for it. Asking her to grab a coffee seems reasonable, and I think you are very considerate to be concerned about approaching her while she's working, but I still think an invitation like this is appropriate.


I hope you do it! She's probably watching you come in and wondering when you're going to make your move.


Good luck and keep us updated!


I'll be sure to keep everyone updated

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Let this be a lesson. If you are talking and getting good signs then ask right then and there. "I have really enjoyed talking with you, would you like to get a drink and get to know each other better?


Now you are kind of stuck but not defeated. Figure out when the place is going to be empty and stop in and ask her if she would like to meet you for a drink (coffee, juice, beer) when she gets off work. You don't even have to exchange numbers right then just agree to meet at ______ at _______pm. The spoils go to the bold in these cases so don't wait any longer.


Be brave and ask her even if there are other people around. She probably knows you like her anyways...



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I showed up but she was not there again. What even is my luck? I hope she didn't get fired or anything! XD


On the bright side I've become a good aquaintence of her boss who has been filling in for her. I'll have to show up earlier next week I guess. It's funny because I've been showing up with more and more confidence each time. Unless she just doesn't work there anymore (I really hope this isn't the case) I should be able to catch her earlier in the week.


Lol guys if she isn't there next week though. I'm pretty much screwed aren't I?

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