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How to get a guy I'm interested in to notice me?


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So, I'm a freshman in college and there's this guy in one of my classes that I'm interested in. The only interaction we've had is when we traded papers for peer editing and he told me that I did a really good job and that he thought my paper was well written. I also noticed him looking at me a few times during class, not sure if that's a good sign or not. Anyway, he sits alone in class so it's not like I'd have to worry about his friends being there but I'm a really shy/quiet person so it would be difficult for me to approach him...What are some ways that I could get him to notice me in hopes that he would possibly approach me and start a conversation? Thanks!!!

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Smile, be friendly, approachable. Keep the conversation going about any college or class related things, as small talk. Then walk together after class, ask if he wants to have a coffee or something. He's probably as shy as you are.

there's this guy in one of my classes that I'm interested in. The only interaction we've had is when we traded papers for peer editing and he told me that I did a really good job and that he thought my paper was well written.
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Do you not feel at all comfortable initiating conversation with him? It doesn't have to be asking him out - just striking up a chat?


I'm not judging - just want to clarify to better understand your situation.


Yeah, I struggle with social anxiety so simply starting a conversation with someone is very difficult for me to do. I don't suffer from severe anxiety so I am capable, it just takes A LOT and stresses me out to the point that I'm too nervous to even say anything.

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Can you sit next to him in close proximity? Like real close. That will be his first clue that you like him.


I actually thought about doing that. Especially since he sits alone, but there's a girl I already sit by and we're sorta class friends so I'd feel rude if I just left her alone at our table to sit with him.

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Yeah, I struggle with social anxiety so simply starting a conversation with someone is very difficult for me to do. I don't suffer from severe anxiety so I am capable, it just takes A LOT and stresses me out to the point that I'm too nervous to even say anything.


Is it possible / would it be helpful, if it were, to strike up a chat outside the classroom dynamics?

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He has already noticed you. The only thing now is opportunity. You provide opportunity by sitting next to him in class when you have a chance and you can always comment on something subject related to kind of initiate conversation. If that's going well you can even suggest studying together, grabbing a coffee after class, etc. For all you know he is just as shy as you are. At the very least, sitting next to him and making yourself approachable, flashing a smile at him with a simple "hello" will encourage him to talk to you and go from there.

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