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Getting my Social Confidence Back


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Hi everyone,


So im in a point in my life where ive lost all my social value, ive moved to a city where i got little to no friends at all.


the thing is when i lost my job back in 2012 i became desperately desperate on starting a business, now that the business is thriving and i have everything, but a social life. oh I have a Girlfriend as well been together for 2 years but recently i left her in my old place so we're pretty much in a long distance relationship at the moment.

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There's a big difference between losing social confidence versus losing social value. You don't ever lose your value, you can just fail to recognize it whenever you don't get the feedback you want at any particular time. So back up your ideals and start from scratch by offering something of yourself to the people within your sphere: family, neighbors, community. It can be as small as helping someone with some yard work or errands or treating them to a walk in a park or your neighborhood, a coffee, an ice cream cone or a meal. From there you build bonds and a RECOGNITION of your own value, and from there you build confidence as you expand your social scope.


If you expect to move into a new area and to pick up the same social playing ground you left behind, that's a surefire way to harm your confidence. Building new social interactions comes from vulnerability and a willingness to appreciate the value of the smallest gestures. Start from square one and offer those first, and then allow a natural progression toward the level of socialization you seek. Use the Internet to research local clubs, pubs, places of worship or events and activities, then go participate and see who you meet.


Loneliness is rarely about what you're not getting, it's about what you're not giving.


Head high.

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