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Hey, Im 15 and i have my first boyfriend and he's 17. I really like him but he really wants to have anal sex and I don't think Im ready. I mean oral sex fine but anal i dunno cuz thats a big deal. I know this sounds cliche but I think if I dont he'll end up breaking up with me. did anyone else just go along with it if they werent sure?

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If anal sex (or oral, or vaginal, for that matter) makes you the least bit uncomfortable - Don't do it!


If you have any doubts at all - Don't do it!


If you think he will break it off with you simply on accout of refusal to have any form of intercourse - Don't do it!


Your body is YOUR body. Don't let anybody pressure you into acts if you feel you're not ready. Trust me, this anxiety is your body's way of telling you that you're not ready. Trust your intuition.


On another point, why are you bothering with this guy if in the back of your mind you think he might dump you by your refusal to have sex? That type of guy is not worth your time. A boyfriend should be someone who loves you for your *personality*, not sexual favors.


You might want to re-think this relationship if he's not being all that you deserve.


Keep us posted. Good luck!

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I agree with the above posts. If you are not ready or if something makes you uncomfortable don't do it. If you think this guy might break up with you because of it, then telling him no may be a good way to test the boundaries of your relationship. You don't want to just be a booty call to this guy!

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  • 18 years later...
On 3/26/2005 at 5:28 PM, foxfire said:

...i have my first boyfriend...

So there's no need to treat him like the only one you'll ever have. If he doesn't have enough regard for you to stay with you even when you respect your own limits, then he's not worth trashing your own boundaries over, correct?

Head high.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I sometimes still wonder about KnightMan who wrote a post several years ago about his cheating wife. We all liked him so much as he was a really upstanding guy and many of us looked forward to his updates. I was thinking about it just this morning and where he is in the world - if he ended up getting serious with that nice lady he met some time after his divorce.

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