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Hey I'm right there with you. I just try to forget but it's like quitting a drug. It really is.

Omg it IS like quitting a drug. Today gave me hope though. I just had breakfast with an ex that cheated on me. I'm 40 and I've been in love twice in my entire life and he was one of them. I cut his arse off cold turkey, NC too. And guess what? I felt NOTHING when I looked at him. Meanwhile he's texted me like 80 times since the end of breakfast. I didn't mean to open up that can of worms. I just wanted familiar company, and to see if we could be friends again since we've known each other since we were 14. But now I'm the candy bar he can't have, so he wants it. Just like a little kid.


The effects of the drug will wear off and you'll be just fine...soon!

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Day 6 NC ~ Not sure what to do today. My work van is getting fixed. So I'm stuck inside which sucks


Omg it IS like quitting a drug. Today gave me hope though. I just had breakfast with an ex that cheated on me. I'm 40 and I've been in love twice in my entire life and he was one of them. I cut his arse off cold turkey, NC too. And guess what? I felt NOTHING when I looked at him. Meanwhile he's texted me like 80 times since the end of breakfast. I didn't mean to open up that can of worms. I just wanted familiar company, and to see if we could be friends again since we've known each other since we were 14. But now I'm the candy bar he can't have, so he wants it. Just like a little kid.


The effects of the drug will wear off and you'll be just fine...soon!


Sometimes you need to be alone to find out what you really want and who you really are in life...(:

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Yeah, she's a liar and a deceiver...nothing new. I'll never talk to her again.


That's what I was thinking...how can she love this new guy when she was trying to get back with you and then left again? What would make me feel better is knowing she's probably not going to be 100% truthful with guy anyway.

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Don't think she loves that guy anyway. Seems more like a "show". I trully loved my ex, but we never posted that kind of pics.

Oh well. I'm a good person I never cheated or told lies like she did. I may have called her horrible names a few days ago but oh well. I'm just done. She's awful.

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That photo of her and her "boyfriend" kissing shows how that relationship is a totall show. We all know people in relationships kiss. They don't have to make a public display of it. She seems to be trying to get a rise out of someone by posting pictures like that!

Well if I recall the last time she was with him she begged me to come back because he treated her badly. She can't come crying to me when it happens again. I got my number changed and blocked her on everything forever. I've never been lied to as much and as often as this. It's disgusting what she did to me.

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Well if I recall the last time she was with him she begged me to come back because he treated her badly. She can't come crying to me when it happens again. I got my number changed and blocked her on everything forever. I've never been lied to as much and as often as this. It's disgusting what she did to me.


Even her reason for wanting you back was awful because he treated her badly and not because she was missing you or what you had. Or because she truly felt sorry for what she did to you.

She is not a good person. She is immature and thinks of no one else but herself. I question if people like that are capable of loving anyone but themselves.


You deserve much better, the sooner you understand that the happier you will be. Don't waste time on even thinking about someone like that any longer.


Best wishes to you!

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Nobody should be in a relationship just because they don't want to be lonley or feel insecure. A person should be in a relationship with someone because that someone makes their life better.


Because if you stay in a relationship with someone just because you need to have a physical presence of someone and fufill the psychological need/idea of "having someone" it ends up doing much more damage to you than actually being single and feeling lonley.


In fact being single is great. You get to work on yourself, figure out who you are and what you want in life and then work towards that.

Not everyone that is single feels lonley all the time.


That's why waiting for the right person is worth it instead of being with someone just so you feel secure.


The journey of finding that right person doesn't mean just wait untill they come to you. You have to look for it, work on it...


Take all the time you need to be single and recuperate and then start looking dating again. Sure there might be many more doomed relationships untill you cross paths with that right person, but that's what life is about.

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My life gets worse and worse. Someone hacked into my email and stole my pictures and sent a naked picture of me to all my Facebook friends. I'm really starting to hate life 😭 how did this happen


Woahh. Who would do such a thing!! JUst who, how, why???? I'm so sorry, Andrew. Horrible people exist in this world, unfortunately. Keep your head up...life will show you its light someday soon I hope. We are all here for you and with you

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Don't worry...this will be forgotten in a month. Or even less than that; in two weeks. Just learn your lesson and don't keep naked pictures of yourself in emails where people can hack them or anywhere for that matter.


They have a saying in my country "every interesting thing or wonder lasts only about three days". After that people get over it.


You can easily claim it was photoshoped by your ex or her "boyfriend" or someone that hates you. Make sure you write a status update on facebook explaining someone photoshoped a clothed picture on purpose to embarrasse you


After you do that, make sure you close that email account and your current fb account, they're probably all hacked. Get new ones with much higher security alerts or rest from emaills and from your facebook account all together for awhile..


Don't worry be happy..

We all have to deal with having horrible people in our lives from time to time...

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