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I dont know if this topic has been discussed before,it probably has,but I havent been here long so forgive me if I'm starting it again

I was just wandering around here and reading all these posts about women dieting and wanting to lose weight and being fat,that I just thought about it.I wonder why is it so important to be thin? I know being overweight is unhealthy but being skinny is too.

I just hate the fact that society makes standards for how our bodies should be.And why have the standards change so much through the years? A century ago men liked women who were almost overweight.Havent you realized how those fine artists used to paint all these women? My bf told me a while ago: 'Until the 50's,most of the stars on tv were curvy,with nice legs and all,and then in the 60's it started to get all screwed up,peple started liking skinny women' LOL,well,he does not like skinny girls,thats why he said it like that,but then,isnt it true? Marilyn Monroe wasnt really thin,she was curvy if anything,and yet she was beautiful and men loved her! So what do you think about this topic?

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Hey there,


I think the thing that makes women & Gurls to be skinny is when you look in a magazine and the the women are slim and skinny and it looks attractive.


When you see models none of them are fat or got a bit weight on at all. But it's true not all men like sticks. It's worrying because some people resort to making themselves physically sick whch is very dangerous or don't eat right.


I think people should be happy with their weight. Although ... I can't talk because I wish I could be thinner but not like a stick.



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Answers will vary from person to person. Hollywood has a HUGE impact on "the desireble weight" a female should weigh (also males, but it's not as much emphasized). Personally, I prefer my women very thin and almost no woman is too thin (except when their weight is defined as physical anorexia).Different men (or people) like different things, but the bottom line is that young people often look to Hollywood for physical appearance (which includes weight).

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well girls don't like skinny guys either ..........it doesn't matter to me as long as i like the person....no one is perfect...i defintly am not... and i understand it...just life..but u can do things to improve yourself...ie: exercising, watching what u eat...

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Part of the reason is that clothes designers like skinny models because clothes hang better on thin people rather than normal people and look better. From there, we get the skinny look translating to photoshoots and some Hollywood actresses. But not all actresses who are 'sex symbols' are super thin even today.


As far as models and actors are concerned remember few of them look as they do on tv, or film or in magazines. I remember being shown a photo of a model in Vogue (I think it was, some mag like that anyway) and she looked totally beautiful and flawless. It was her mother who showed me the pic. Two weeks later I had to go the house to see the mother about something and the girl answered the door. Mousy, greasy, unkempt hair, pock-marked, greasy skin with spots and a miserable expression with attitude to match.


I have met a few actors and actresses (none particularly famous in North America) and the same thing applies. Their skin usually looks bad because of the make-up and they have bags under their eyes and all the flaws the rest of us have.


When you realise that few people are anywhere near perfect, and those that are don't keep their looks for long, you can come to terms with your own looks and reallise that looks only go so far to attract people - after a very short time it is personality that matters. Few people get a divorce because their spouse got ugly - at least, only shallow people do that and who needs them?

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Keep in mind, that in terms of being healthy it's defined in terms of your body weight index or ideal body weight that can be calculated. But keeping in mind those who have heavy muscle mass will be different. It's not necessarily how one appears first off. Because a person can think that s/he is overweight in his/her own opinions, but actually be in the ideal body weight range that is perfectly healthy. It's more of a health vs. visual image battle. However, those that are defined as obese of 130% over their ideal body weight range are defined as morbidly obesese & that is when actions is urgently needed to do something since it definitely affected their normal daily living such as walking or even doing simple chores!

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Whatever the reasons are, I hope today's generation will reject this look and say "that's not for me!" Neither is stuffing your face with greasy fast food and never exercising. The key is to realize healthy foods are a good thing, and the body needs to be nourished with these kinds of foods AND with proper amounts of exercise.


For anyone who is struggling with anorexia, keep in mind that the Terry Shiavo case that is currently dominating the headlines had a very sad beginning, too: she had an eating disorder that caused the chemical imbalance that made her collapse into the semi-vegetative state she is in now.


Is being "skinny" worth that - and is it really attractive? My opinion is definitely not.

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The thing about skinny people depicted in the media... ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!


Where does the trend for skinny people come from? Fashion!


From the fashion houses and couture and all that from all over the world but most particularly in the fashion capitals of the world - new york and paris.


Now, who are the fashion designers? They all gay people!


Its a conspiracy I tell ya. Them gay people are getting back at all the bigotry piled on them through the past and their doing it by making fools of them bigoted straight people this way.



BS aside, this talk about society and social standards. I think intellectually, we as a race have begun to reach the stage where the individual lemming in the group running in one direction will suddenly stop and think and say, "hold on! What are we doing? What am I doing? Is this what I want to be doing?"


While there are advertisements on the teevee and in the papers on weight loss, a lot of men and women have chosen to be overweight. There was a research paper on Australian women recently stating that more and more women are overweight, having lower sex drive and not minding it one bit.


Why do trends change? I dont know how this one changed, though I supposed it would have started with the american beach culture. It became undesirable to see your own flesh cover the bikini strings. In order to prevent that, a significant reduction in overall body fat is required. This spread to other things as our fashion change. Women no longer need large curves to fill out very conservative clothes. Sexy clothes were of thiner material and were more revealing.


Marilyn Monroe was curvy but she wasnt exactly what we call overweight. Audrey Hepburn, voted the most desirable woman of Holywood cinema, wasnt exactly curvy herself. And that is another thing worth mentioning. Cinema of that period had a lot more focus on faces, not bodies, because of the emotive quality of drama. Today, what with MTV and channel V and action movies and the like, its different now.


There is a lot that I can say on this topic but really, it'll just rant on.


I prefer the "fit" look but ultimately, so long as she aint blatantly overweight, her personality is definitely more important.

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I agree,


But sometimes it's case of easier said than done. I feel really fat when I'm with ' a friend' she's called jasmine and she is so slim and she looks so great with it. Thing is she boasts about it and I hate her for it.


I'm jealous. Thats my problem.


But yeah I'm working over that by playing extra footie and eating healthier by being on the WW diet.


Catch ya later,


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Do you think you're fat Mysterious Gurl? I doubt you are.I felt the same when I was your age and so did almost all of my friends,even the thin ones! It's crazy.Of course I keep worrying about it nowdays (which sucks sometimes) but I dont know,that's the way society make all women feel.And I'm not fat and never been,but I'm not skinny either,not that I wanna be skinny.But you know,I'm most of the time watching what I eat and if I eat a lot in one day I feel bad and guilty,and if I dont diet at least one week a month then I dont feel good with myself and think I'm getting fat,which I know is stupid.And I know deep down that what matters the most is for you to be happy with yourself and your body,and the hell what people say but I know its not an easy thing to do either.

I also know that a lot of women do not like skinny guys,but I know that a lot dont like guys with big muscles and all either.My bf is thin,but he actually looks thinner with clothes than without them,lol,isnt it crazy? but thats the way it is,I swear.

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I see a lot of skinny girls where I go to school...girls that looked like they walked out of the pages of those magazines we've been talking about. The thing is though, most of them look dress and act exactly the same. It's really kind of funny...I'm glad to be myself. I am not skinny nor am I fat. I used to have an eating disorder so it has taken quite a lot of healing to reach the point where i can honestly say that. I work out 3 to 5 times a week not because I'm trying to reach some unattainable figure but beceuase it makes me feel good all around. I hardly ever weigh myself and I eat what I want when I want (within reason). The cliche holds true that beauty fades and you've gotta have some sense of individuality about you. No need to conform to society's standards. In 10 years it might be hot to be a little plump again and then we'll see a bunch of young girls with flab hanging over their jeans and round robust rumps. We'll laugh and say remember when...that's the way it goes...love yourself.

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But tell me, how could someone love their fat body?


I could not imagine not going to the beach in a bikini and knowing that everyone is checking you out, being unable to look at magazines and hear your boyfriend say "This would look gorgeous on you,"... Just read the testimonials of people who have lost large amounts of weight: it is no big secret that their life is much more joyful when you look good (no, no fat person could ever look good to me).


It seems that overweight people have much less fun, don't enjoy life to the fullest... For example, I have yet to see someone fat at my windsurfing club, or climbing rocks, or riding a bike for the fun of it... Fit people live longer: although this has been suggested by many studies, it takes on a different meaning when you see it with your own eyes. I volunteer in a hospital emegency room at Houston's Medical Center (fattest city in America!), and 100% of patients for heart attacks, stroke or cerebral hemorrhages are overweight. 100%. Honestly, even among other problems, normal weight patients are much more likely to leave the ER alive.


I am angry at people who let their children be overweight, and I would gladly have them sent to prison--this should be recognized as major child abuse as it will have negative consequences throughout their lives--not only critical health problems, but severe social and emotional issues as well.


I know this sounds very shallow, but I would hate looking at myself if I were fat. I would refuse to plan a future with an overweight partner. I cannot love or have respect for someone who does not take basic care of themselves, who ruins their health just because they lack the will power to make a decision and stick to it.


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