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In my life I've had many opportunities. In my love life a lot, too. Guys have always asked me out and I've always just said no. I always over thought things.. I'm not very emotional and I like to be alone...

I've had many chances for a boyfriend and three, maybe even four, chances of a first kiss. And I've had guys touch me and feel me up while dancing. But that was different.... And I've just never let a guy kiss me. I've always been too nervous or not into it. I just thought it was weird. Like, I kind of want a relationship but I may not be ready. I want everything to be special and I believe that everything will happen whenever God wants it to happen.

I'm 18- 19 in a couple of days- and I've never been kissed.

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Why rush it? Just because society (friends, family, TV, etc...) gives you a sense of pressure doesn't mean you have to bend to it... just ignore it. To be honest with you, not many people deserve a kiss anyway so don't freely give it out. Wait until a great guy comes around to we worthy of your kiss... It will be even more special that way.


And don't let guys just feel you up. You are worth way more than that!

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I know, you cant go for just anyone and cant go for every person just because they are there, it has to be the right one.

No need to rush anything at all, never force yourself to do something you dont want.

Im not telling you to make you feel better for the hell of it, alot of people including myself wait for things and want them just right, so you'll find that person, it will come.

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What is your aversion to dating or kissing in contrast to random "touching and feeling up"? Not sure how "special" that is.


What is the type of interaction you are looking for? Dating? Hanging out?

Why would God what you to let random guys feel you up but not go on dates and eventually kiss boys who respect you?

I've had guys touch me and feel me up while dancing. But that was different.... And I've just never let a guy kiss me. I want everything to be special and I believe that everything will happen whenever God wants it to happen
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