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Whose court is the ball in now?


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I'd say the ball is in his court, because you have already said this: "My reply was something like "No worries! Just let me know whenever you have time, and I'll be there!" He knows you're open to meeting him for coffee, and that he just needs to say when. Texting him again would be just repeating yourself, and it may come off as impatient.


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FYI - Are the two men still friends? If there are, do you realize that by dating the other, you might jeopardize that friendship?


They are not friends anymore, and it has nothing to do with us. My ex blew up on him like over a year ago and cursed him out at a casino, they tried to salvage a friendship but it didn't happen.

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So what is the rush?


Stay busy packing and getting ready to move so when the time comes you are out the door. I think placing this on hold for a while until you have your own place, have had time to process the break up properly and he has had a chance to think about ending a long friendship for you.


In the end he has to choose you or his friend. If it was an amicable break up it might be different but your ex wants you back so there will be problems.


Leave it be and see when he contacts you again. He has way more to loose in this deal than you so give him some time...



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I think perhaps it would be wise to wait to pursue anything until you move.


No, I entirely agree. We aren't dating or seeing each other outside of 15 minute coffee meet-ups before work at the coffee shop down the street, I meet other friends for coffee there all the time. I'm not asking for advice about that either

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No rush, we've actually been broken up for over a year now, I'm 100% over the break up, my ex will stop talking to me the instant I move out. His trying to get me back before I move is like his last ditch effort so I'm not worried about that. I'm also not interested in really being exclusive with T, just interested in seeing him more and going on some dates, see where that goes.

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No, I entirely agree. We aren't dating or seeing each other outside of 15 minute coffee meet-ups before work at the coffee shop down the street, I meet other friends for coffee there all the time. I'm not asking for advice about that either


In that case, I would wait for him to contact you. He's been busy with family.

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Being able to enjoy your own company is the apex of existence. I love being with people, I'm an uber extrovert who sees everyone as a potential friend, but I also love being by myself. I only date when someone truly deserving of my time shows up. I've been single for over 5 years now with no worries.

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