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Hey, what's your favorite weight loss diet?

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I have to lose around 18 lbs. I am recovering from a surgery, so I can't lift heavy weights yet, jog yet, do kickbox, Pilates, aerobics yet. and all that yeah.


But, anyway, what's everyone's favorite weight-loss diet for this?


I have been on the "Body For Life" program, and I reached my goal of 8 lb loss in 12 weeks, but the darn diet was soooo rigorous, as well as the workout commitment, 6 days/week. This was about 4-5 yrs ago. And I've tried other weight/diet programs, but BFL worked best for me. I ended up losing all of 11 pounds in about 4 months or so. I can do BFL again, and plan to in about a month.


Anyway, who likes which diet? Anyone's thoughts and comments welcome, pleez!



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I don't follow a diet of any sort, just go by the eat right, exercise right...more calories burned then eaten and so on.


My training/workout schedule does require a lot of dedication, but I also race mountain bikes and road bikes, so I have that as a goal which keeps me motivated too.


I combine a lot of cardio with strength (cardio will diminish some strength gains, but I am not going for lots of build, more like just being strong and toned).


And variety is key - I add other elements into my training depending on the year and what suits - suck as skiing, swimming, hiking, climbing, etc.

In summer too my riding increases including longer rides on weekends (100 milers on roadie, or a few hours on mountain bike) as well as races once to twice a week.


This is my CURRENT training plan at this time of year, preseason. The rides mix up endurance rides, recovery rides and intervals.


Sun - Run 1-1.5 hours, Chest & Back at Gym

M - 45-1 hr power yoga in morning, about 2 hours on bike evening

T - Core in morning, 2 hours on bike

W- power yoga in morning, evening climbing, or gym

Th- Legs at gym in morning, 1.5-2 hours on bike, and Arms & Shoulders at gym at night (very tiring days!)

F - Power yoga, 1.5-2 hour ride

Sat - Power yoga, 2+ hour ride


Very busy as you can tell (mayb 2/day workouts), but I incorporate it into my life, have goals other than just keeping fit (ie to be strong, competitive) and it is natural for me to do so. It's part of my lifestyle. Of course this is not for everyone, but just try to ensure an hour of exercise a day - even if it is walking right now until you can do more physical things, and when you can some strength and flexibility training. Get a pedometer maybe and track your steps everyday - aim for 10,000 steps a day so take the stairs rather than elevator, walk to coworkers desks rather than email, go for a walk at lunch, etc.


My food intake is mostly healthy foods, lean proteins, low fat dairy, lots of veggies, fruit, whole grains, and I do allow myself guilty pleasures - mainly ice cream, beer and other occasional treats. There is nothing FORBIDDEN, as long as it is in moderation. I am pretty active so can afford those treats on occasion, but I do try to make sure what I put in my body most of the time is beneficial and what my body can use, rather than empty calories. It helps to keep a food diary and keep track of EVERYTHING you eat and calorie counts to see where you are at..even that handful of peanuts you took from a coworker or the bite of your partners sandwhich! Studies show it is better to have a friend keep your food diary for you as they are more honest...we can underestimate our calorie counts by 600 or more calories a day! Thats a pound or so a week! After a couple weeks or so you are better able to judge what you are eating and what you require.


Start by cutting 500 cals a day, and exercising to burn 500 more cals a day. Much more fun then just cutting 1000 cals and healthier too! This also prevents your body from going into starvation mode and lowering its basal metabolic rate, thereforeeee storing more fat from what you do eat. It will mean an average loss of a pound a week (cutting 3500 cals/week total) which is a recommended rate of loss. And try eating smaller meals through day rather than three big meals - it keeps your metabolism up higher and going rather than going into that starvation, and prevents overeating.


It helps to think of something as a lifestyle change and a lifetime commitment rather than a weight loss diet - you need something you can stick to for life, otherwise it will all come back again when it gets to be too much to follow, or too hard to follow. And it helps to set smaller goals and once you reach them, set a new one. Make a decision to change your life one step at a time, in positive ways.

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Sun - Run 1-1.5 hours, Chest & Back at Gym

M - 45-1 hr power yoga in morning, about 2 hours on bike evening

T - Core in morning, 2 hours on bike

W- power yoga in morning, evening climbing, or gym

Th- Legs at gym in morning, 1.5-2 hours on bike, and Arms & Shoulders at gym at night (very tiring days!)

F - Power yoga, 1.5-2 hour ride

Sat - Power yoga, 2+ hour ride



WOW you trully are dedicated.


I run for 35 min then lift weights for 30 mins. I do this ever other day and that still takes a lot of will power.

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I have to lose around 18 lbs. such a specific amount? Weight is just a number. If your goal is losing weight, I think the only thing that matters is that you're losing weight regardless of how fast or how much.


I am recovering from a surgery, so I can't lift heavy weights yet, jog yet, do kickbox, Pilates, aerobics yet. and all that yeah.


Anyway, who likes which diet?

I'm recovering from surgery too. It really sucks doesn't it? I've been recovering from knee surgery for the past month so I haven't really been able to do anything either, yet I've lost weight.

I don't follow any specific diet, but I just try to make sure that most of what I eat is healthy (fruits, vegetables, tuna, eggs). I don't exclude anything, but I make sure that I only eat junk food in moderation.

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The thing about diets is once you have lost the weight the weight you want you have to make sure you don't gain it again.


I have been following the weightwatchers diet for a while and it's a very good diet. I'd recomend it. However I now find my whole life is on the weightwatcher.


I think I have to become more posetive about my figure and do regular exercise instead of doing a regular weightwatcher diet.


Take care,



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Wow! All of you have such good points and suggestions. I'm not a newbie at exercise routines, and in fact have tried many things. It's just that this last year, after I'd stopped regularly practicing martial arts 2x week (which is an incredibly high-intensity workout--phew!), and working out several days a week, I've been sitting at computer studying.


I also have 3 kids. Try to just workout more than 1 hourd/day when you have a family, your vocational training, fitness. And then you decrease workouts, as I did, and gained pounds.


I recently took a body fat test. Well, too much fat. But 134 lbs lean mass. So, I've got some muscle, because I regularly lift weights. My cardio needs to increase.


Anyway, RayKay, that's a wonderful fitness routine you have. Yes, I agree it's a lifestyle. I just decreased cardio, esp. after stopping martial training (where I'd lose 3 lbs just from sweating if I didn't die before the workout was over), I increased my sugar intake, decreased cardio and haven't been as disciplined about sweets. Anyway, that's WONDerful. You're more on the pro athlete side of things. Not me. I just want to work my butt off (pun intended, though my butt isn't as much a problem as the waist. Yeeeeuck! Globular. Ick. (We're our own worst critics ;-D )


The reason I want to lose 18 lbs is because I gained 20 over the last 1 1/2 yrs. You can't actually tell it, as I carry it everywhere, but esp. in the middle where it's globular, yucky, and just plain UUUGLY! 150 is an ideal weight for me. But I have lbs in muscle as well, and look pretty slim being that I'm 5' 7.5", on the taller side. I'd lose 25 if I could.


I am walking about 25 minutes, power walking that is, 4.5 mph I think, per day. This is invigorating. The doc said I can't get into "activity" like that for another week. I also have to work into increasing intensity.


I otherwise love to do Pilates, run, eliptic, cardio/kickbox videos, lift to 50 lbs at this time bench press and upper bod workouts.


For me, it's the decrease of starches and sugars. I love wine and drink about 7 6 oz. per week. One doc said that's not too bad. It's the water weight it causes to increase! Soooo....


I heard Atkins worked for a gal-friend of my husbands at his work. Worked well for her. I have that book. Again, the Body For Life worked wonders for me, having done intervalic cardio training 3 days/week, then weight training 3 days/week. Weights took 1 hour per workout. Cardio took about 20 minutes excluding stretching time.


I'm told that people better benefit, however, by doing cardio *after* working weights, as you need this fat for energy while working. After weights, then go do your cardio. But, whatever works and to each his/her own.


Hugs to all and thank you,



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I personally am very very anti-Atkins! You're inducing your body into a state of ketoacidosis - you're making your body think it's diabetic! Plus, eating all the grease and meat, but few complex carbs increases your risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, high cholesterol, and so many other things....


I think that the only safe way to lose weight is to do it the boring way - fresh fruits and veggies, complex carbs, lean meats, less junk food, and exercise!

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Frankly, I don't think it's boring to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, etc. On the "Body For Life" program, you get one day off to eat what you want and not exercise! YEEEESSS!


I have a VitaMix in which I whole-juice fruits and vegetables. Makes delicious veggie drinks that taste so good, esp. when you need an energy fix.


Save the chocolate cake and icecream for Sundays. (I know, I shouldn't admit that though ;-D )



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I don't think it's boring either to eat fruit and veg.


To be honest girls at school brink small tubs of cut up fruit and the canteine provide packets of apple and grapes and they are very popular your lucky if u get a packet.


I have a day off too when I eat what I want ... but then I feel guilty .

So I make an excuse to myself why I had to eat that cake and ice cream. I'm saving someone else from eating it



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im doidn weight watchers at the min, the one were you count up all your points! its not all that hard and ive lost 16 pounds in months! im gonna keep at it! just remember your portion sizes, not to snack, drink plenty of water... even if you can drink a large glass of water before every meal? ive tried this and trust me it works! your bloated and not able to eat as much! the best thing about it is that you become used to it so now im doing it with out even thinking about it were as in the first week or so i dreaded it!!

good luck!! xx

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