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Dating website disaster


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I'm posting this to tell my story not to get judge. I never believed in finding love on a dating site however I tried it out. Ingot several response within mins, but there was this one guy that I vibed with instantly we exchanged numbers he seemed like he was a very nice, stable guy! He was in a different state he invited me to come see him and agreed to pay for my expenses. Things were going well I flew to his state. I got there and had to wait for him to pick me up from the airport for 2hrs red flag, he took me to my hotel and thought I was suppose to pay for it and said he would give me the money back I wasn't going for that 2nd red flag, I get to the room get settled in to learn he can't stay because he had to go home to his kids. I noticed he had a very cold attitude and complained a lot, before he made me aware that he was a business owner to learn he was a struggling business owner because while I was there he complained about his money problems, he then asked me for money to help him. I refused after that he turned into a diff person he left me at the room in a state I wasnt familiar with never really checked on me I called him he didn't answer his phone to learn he blocked me from calling his phone, while I was there to see him my flight was leaving that morning he didnt call to take me to airport I had to take a cab to airport to catch my flight by 9 he called me 15mins before my flight to say he overslept.. He apologized for not calling and blocking me. I get home to learn he blocked all my numbers refuse to talk to me sent me nasty messages vice verse. I was trying to make some sense out of all this and needed answers. He was the total opposite of his profile, very rude and mean. I learned the name on his profile pic isn't his real name he said he had 1 child but to learn he has more. He claimed to have so much but he struggling finacially. Before I met him he was sweet loving considerate then he changed. Should I continue to persuade in hopes if we get closer he will open up? Or did he have bad intention from the beginning I really like him but I'm not sure if I can get over the things he's done and we only been talking for about 2 months... What should I do I'm confused by the way he has treated me, in called him today and he didn't answer so I asked him to call me back he didn't instead he sent me a Tex after he unblocked me yesterday saying not to Tex or call him anymore and saying some crazy things again, and blocked me again.. Should I care or just let it go?

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If I were you don't try to make sense of it and let it go. Believe me coming from experience I've encountered stuff like this once myself and tried to make sense of it but I said it's not worth my time and energy. And if I were in your situation if he tries to even contact you again, go and change your number so you wont get sucked back into this again. He's not worth your time and energy at all. With these dating sites you have to be care full because you don't know who your going to be dealing with on the other end of the line. And that's the scary thing. Just be glad you left there and your safe and sound. Believe me I had this happen to me once happen to me before. I took it hard for a few weeks but eventually I got over it. And I'm sure you will too just going to take time. And hopefully you find someone locally who deserves to be worth your time and energy. Hope this helps a bit.

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Why on earth would you want to continue with this joker?


Is this the person you really see fitting your criteria for a boyfriend? He's not even who claimed to be. He didn't change; he just put on a great act and then tried to con you. You shouldn't be wondering whether he needs "time to open up"; you should be running like heck in the opposite direction!


To top it off, he's probably married. Not only did he need to go home to his kid, he needed to go home before his wife got suspicious.

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Why on earth would you want to continue with this joker?


Is this the person you really see fitting your criteria for a boyfriend? He's not even who claimed to be. He didn't change; he just put on a great act and then tried to con you. You shouldn't be wondering whether he needs "time to open up"; you should be running like heck in the opposite direction!


To top it off, he's probably married. Not only did he need to go home to his kid, he needed to go home before his wife got suspicious.


yep I think he is married , he just wanted money .

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Is this the same person in July


Ok I meet a guy on line we would flirt inbox crush on each other so we made plans to meet each other I was going to travel to were he lives but the timing wouldn't permit me so I told asked him to visit me instead I also offered to help with travel if he came so he agreed so he said his plane ticket was 895 which wasn't true and he wanted me to send him 300 then he said 200 so I'm like why can't you pay and I will give u something when he got here he was like he already made planes so I said ok send me flight info he sent the time so he kept asking me to wire the money I thought about it and I told him I feel he's so worried about me wiring the money for him to skip out on me he went on and on trying to convince me those were not his intentions so today I Tex him and said I wasn't going to be able to wire money I give it to him whn he get here... He then sent me this Tex that said I was bluffing and that he will pay his own way and thanks anyway! As I tried to respond it wouldn't allow me I went on his Facebook page and he blocked me.... Now I'm far from dum but do y'all think he was going to run off of I had of been tht dum to send him money? He didn't ask me I offered to help with travel but didn't say how much! What do you thinks?



How can you have experienced that ^^^^^ and still do what you have just done ..what are you not seeing here darling ?

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If you have any sense you will not only walk away from this man, but run.

He treated you very badly already, has zero respect for you, will abandon you either to or from the airport, had the nerve to ask for money, left you there and went home, more than likely is married, sent you mean texts and blocked you...omg, get some self respect please and get as far away from this total a** as possible!!

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I don't know why you would think that pursuing him is still an option, when he made it crystal clear that he isn't interested? In fact, I think you were plain lucky that money was all he wanted from you, this could have ended worse than it did!

The guy is most definitely married and a con artist, so block him and don't give him a second thought.

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You are running into the OLD scam artists. You have to be more selective. There are so many clues that you have to learn about men or women who try to contact you, pretend they are someone interested in you, then bam, ask for money.


Don't fall for these:


1.They ask for your email address immediately.

2.They tell you they are from the US or where ever you live, but are working in the middle east for a couple of months are lonely and want to meet a nice girl.

3. They don't have photos, or only one photo and its a far away picture so you cant tell what they look like. Always ask for a couple photos if you feel they might be scamming you. Sometimes they are stupid enough to add more then one photo, but they aren't of the same person.

4. They want you to chat off the OLD site right away. Usually they want to go to Yahoo chat or have a Yahoo email addy

5. They ask way to many personal questions too soon.

6. Ask you to send them money because their car broke down, or some other stupid excuse. Thats pretty telling, but it happens.


I would never fly to meet someone from OLD. I prefer to keep it local unless and until you feel like they are the real deal and you have proof. Sometimes the do slip by you though, so you always have to be careful when using OLD.


My friend was scammed badly. She met this guy on OLD who charmed her and got her to trust him. He was a US citizen, living in the Turkey or something like that. Then he asked her if he could have packages sent to her home and he would have someone pick them up for him. She said yes cause she trusted him. Then she found out that the packages would arrive, but there was money owed for the shipping. She would pay that because he promised to pay her back. One day she got a knock at the door and it was the local detectives. They had been watching her and the scam that was going on. She was almost arrested for being part of the theft ring. These packages were all stolen goods. Just a big mess. She had no idea what was going on and was so upset. The detective decided that she could help them catch the thieves. Thank goodness she was not arrested!


SO all this to say, be careful and if it doesn't seem right, it isn't!!!

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He was in a different state he invited me to come see him and agreed to pay for my expenses. Things were going well I flew to his state. I got there and had to wait for him to pick me up from the airport for 2hrs red flag, he took me to my hotel and thought I was suppose to pay for it and said he would give me the money back I wasn't going for that 2nd red flag, I get to the room get settled in to learn he can't stay because he had to go home to his kids.


He claimed to have so much but he struggling finacially. Before I met him he was sweet loving considerate then he changed. Should I continue to persuade in hopes if we get closer he will open up? Or did he have bad intention from the beginning


Op, this has nothing to do with a "dating disaster", and everything to do with how you go about online dating. You flew to a state to meet a total stranger, just based on the words coming out of his mouth. You then allow him to pay for the visit (another red flag). And then you're surprised that it termed out to be a "con" game with him asking you for money.


You're not ready for OLD. OLD is for people who have their wits about them, and go about it in a common sense approach (not believing anything written, or said), and having the 1st few dates done in a public setting so that you can find out what this stranger across from you is all about.


As far as the profile, anyone can copy a profile from the internet, or create a false sense of who they are. This is another case of "text dating". The dating starts when you meet them for the first time in person.

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