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Stop biting my nails!


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Found the answer: a cream that one rubs into the ends of the fingers that has that bitter taste and that softens the skin. Nails look healthier, right away. Biting isnt so tempting with the soft skin. Bitter taste reminds~.


Can you tell me what the name of the cream is?


I am an awful, lifelong nail biter.

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Nails look healthier, right away. Biting isnt so tempting with the soft skin.


Yeah. Long term solution for me has been keeping them filed smooth and free of hangnails. If one of my nails/finger tips is snagging on things, I gnaw at it beyond reason. So, I don't let it happen at all.


I bit my nails throughout my childhood into my early adult years. What first stopped me was working with clay as a fine arts major in college. I was covered in clay 24/7 for two or three years. Clay didn't taste bad, but I didn't want it in my mouth!


After that nail-biting respite, I became more aware of my trigger (snagging). I use a nail clipper to cut off calluses and hangnails, and to shape my nails. Then I file if necessary. I let them grow until they get in the way of me working with my hands, then I trim them down and start over again. My nails generally look really nice now, which is an unintentional side-effect, and which is still novel and weird to me considering the way they used to look when I was a kid.

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