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Nothing else can be done...I GIVE UP

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Im back again for the final round...it does feel like a boxing match that I have been in BUT i must say that im about to throw in the towel. I am so strung out over my ex that its making me sick (literally) We are very bad in one second..good in another and then just completely downhill after that. There is no hope for us AT ALL. The takin git "sloooow" like he suggested is just not working for me. He is having such a great time living his life and he actually tells me what he has done and he expects me to just keep my mouth shut. On the other hand i tell him one thing and right away he cant deal with it ...things are not working out and all this other bull crap. Thats it!! I cant deal with it anymore. I told him I was going out after work today and he ws like I never want to c u again. I was like fine. He got me soooo angry today that I told him that I was gonna be with someone else tonight...He went ballistic. But he can do all that...and hang otu with his friends guys/girls...yeah okay...its time for me to live my life for myself and not for him. Am I right? Any advise? Thank you.

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I love ya girl! You are doing so good!!!! We are helping eachother out and you are doing the right thing! Dont let him stop your life.Dont let him make you feel like this anymore get to the point that you are at right now and stick with it,That is what I am tryin to do! He has disrespected you and he dont deserve you,Just know that I am here for you!!!!Pick yourself up and be strong about it!!!

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Good for you girl. It sometimes takes a getting back together episode to realize it's doing you no good at all. This time I think you will be able to heal sooner, part of the good-bye you have already done.


It seems a wise decision to me. Be honest to him and break up (don't go on the friendship tour for a while!!!)





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Are you just telling him that you're going to go out after work to see if he gets upset? Same thing with telling him you are "gonna be with someone else tonight"?


From what I've read you are most definitely due to go out and have fun!! You don't need to hear about him going out all the time. You're right.....it's time to live your life without worrying what he thinks.


However, I don't think you need to rub his face in the fact that you are going to be with someone else tonight. If you are going to just do it. No need to tell him. You don't need to report to him.


It seems to me that you are satisfied by knowing he's getting upset? Could this be because you want to know that you're not the only one that is getting upset?

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