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What the hell does she want


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My ex and I have been separated a little over a month now but after the break up we got back together for about a week and split again and that was almost three weeks ago we were togetherfor almost three years. She left me both times since these break up's I've asked her numerous times politely to give me space and not contact me since I'm still in love with her and need time to process everything and a day or two will go by and she resumes texting me. Since our break up we've slept together several times last time was Friday night then Saturday she asked if I wanted to get coffee we met up talked for a little and she tells me shes been talking to someone for two weeks or so but confessed she still loves me. I kept my cool and just brushed it off and we enjoyed the rest of our day then before we left we had a long kiss and again she said she loves me and we go our separate ways then about a hour later she texts saying she had so much fun with me. Then today she texted me in the morning to talk and I asked her to dinner to which she replied with she needs some time and space so I stop responding to her texts and she says just because she needs space doesn't mean she doesn't want to stop talking to me in the meantime what is this girls game we were together for almost three years and I just don't know who she is anymore what's she want from me????

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I personally feel like she's trying to hold on to you in some sort of sick way. She's probably not getting what she fully wants from whoever it is shes seeing and when hes not around she picks up the phone to call you. I could be wrong but either way you sound like her alternate, second option and that's not okay. Cut her off completely. Take care of yourself and one day you will find your someone that treat you like an option. Just their one and only.


How much you wanna bet she's being treated like the other guys 2nd option too and thats part of the reason why she keeps running back to you.

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She wants you to be there for her while she slowly moves farther and farther away. You are her safety net, someone so she doesn't have to face life alone during a scary time.


It's up to you, not her, to cut her off on all social media and go NC. You're either in a relationship or you're not. You can't be sorta together.

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She broke it off with you both times right? I mean i dont know exactly what happened and what lead her to break things off but if you love someone you try to make it work. Then on top of that how is she still in love with you but already messing around, hanging out with another man?

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It's only going to hurt in the long run if you keep up this type of contact with her IMO. I think you should break it off. Tell her you both need to move on. It's not healthy to be broken up, but still going on dates, staying with eachother, etc, like you're still dating.

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It just seems like she's stringing you along. She may say that she loves you, but I feel like she's using you as a back up for someone to spend time with and sleep with until her and the new man get serious. I think you should block her now and tell her to leave you alone. If you don't, she's going to end up telling you that she can no longer speak to you because she wants to pursue things with the new guy. At that point, you are going to feel worse and she's going to have all of the control. It's better to kick her out of your life now before she continues stringing you along and only speaking to you for her only selfish benefit. If she loved you, she would have stayed with you and attempted to make the relationship work.

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I've asked her numerous times politely to give me space and not contact me since I'm still in love with her and need time to process everything and a day or two will go by and she resumes texting me.



You and her both know that you don't mean what you said (above), and sorry if this sounds harsh, but what you're doing is baiting her. Why not use a different approach, and view this as she can't miss you if you're always there for her? It's not a guarantee, but you'll have an answer.

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