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I just can't understand some women.


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Your situation sounds a lot like one I'm going through right now, though the girl involved and I aren't quite obsessed with eachother, we're just good friends. It sounds like you really don't want to give this up, and I can understand why. Friendships like that don't come along very often and you want to keep them for as long as you can. I have a few suggestions for you to try if you really want to keep up a friendship with her, though some may be a little unrealistic. True she could just be not interested in you any more but I think it's more likely that school or something else has gotten in the way. My first suggestion would be to just wait with no contact to her. If she really cares which it seems like she did then she'll come back wondering what happened to you. If her school has a summer break then I'd bet it'd probably happen around then. My second suggestion, if you don't want to wait with no contact, is to do what you were saying and send her a letter or email explaining your feelings on this. After that you'd still have to wait for her to answer you on it, lest you tick her off by sending any more messages. And if you're REALLY impatient, which I doubt you are at this point, and have enough money to do so, (this is the most unrealistic part) shock her by taking a trip out to her country and finally meeting her in person. With that also comes the risk of being shot down right there and wasting your time and hard-earned money, and also probably being scarred for life, but in my oppinion it'd be the most likely one to work. The shock value would hugely outweigh anything else that could go wrong.


I've read all of what you've said on this situation and, though I'm not an expert in any way, it sounds to me like she may have been considering going farther in your relationship. I know you said that because of her being Jewish she wouldn't consider marriage or anything like that but crazier things have happened. Remember the saying, love conquers all. She obviously had VERY strong feelings towards you and visa versa. Maybe she just got tired of waiting for you to make a move and decided that you weren't worth her time anymore, or maybe she found a guy locally that she likes. Happened to me, I knew a girl online that I was pretty good friends with for a couple of months, then she got a boyfriend and I only talked to her once or twice since, the conversations being really short and ending in long, awkward silences before she would just leave without even saying goodbye. I even did what you did to M, made her laugh in the good times, helped her through her troubles in the bad times. It just doesn't pay, does it? The worst thing you could do, though, is become another jack@$$ guy who gets all the chicks by being a total jerk and going behind their backs all the time. The world need more guys like us, nice guys that'll do anything for the girls we care about.

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought i'd mention:


She's come back!


6 weeks of non contact and she phones me asking where i've been. I explained that I had blocked her on msn because i found it sad seeing her on it. So thought by blocking her I wouldn't know whether she was on or not and thereforeeee wouldnt bother me as much. I was just getting use to not seeing her at all when out of the blue yesterday she phones.


She apologised and said she understood if I didn't want to talk to her anymore. Weve had a talk, got a few things straight. She wants everything to be back to normal again. I told her i don't mind but i'll be a bit warey for the next few months. She understands.


Anyway, for anyone who read this thread and was curious if she would return, she has now.

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I am glad it worked out for you. But remember the momene you fall over heels for her she is going to diss you again. Thats how the typical female brain works; they want the best catch and oviously you wont be that if you are all over her. You need to still keep your options open and possibly date more than 1 girl at a time.

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So - have you two actually ever met in person? I think this is waaaayyy too much drama for a girl that you've never met in person.


I have to agree with Annie. Internet romances may be a good way to start things off but you have to meet someone to know if there is a real chance of a relationship. And the age factor here is also a huge problem. I really think you would be better to spend all this time and emotional energy finding someone that you can have an actual face to face relationshp with. This girl is distracting you from being able to do that.

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