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Need advice fast about first kisses


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So im in my 20's, theres this new girl i met online. Shes around my age. We went on 1 date and we ended up clicking, laughing ect.. i purposely never make any moves on the first date as far as kissing goes, because i think it shows the girl that i respect her bounderies and am not in a hurry to do anything. But i do "cuddle" with them one way or another on the first date to break the ice.

Usually on the second date i take them out to dinner and kiss them at the end of the date.. thats just my way of going about things. It seems like better timing and more comfortable to do it that way..


Well, this new girl i met, we have gone on 1 date and we just cuddled the whole time, and she was expecting a kiss at the end of the date but me being me, i didnt go for it. She and i planned out a day to go on a 3 hour road trip to the ocean and just hang out there. I want this trip to be fun and intimate yet i have not kissed her, this will be our 2nd "date". i dont think any time will be proper to kiss her throughout this date except until the end of the date when im dropping her back off. Because in my head, the 3 hour drive is going to eventually put her to sleep .. I wanted to at least get intimate with her BEFOre the trip. but i dont know how. I will be picking her up. she will get in my car. and thats when the 3 hour trip starts. Would it be okay for me to just go in for it when i pick her up? I know i might be over thinking this but i just have had bad experiences with being friendzoned and deff want to break the ice before or during this trip. When will be a good time??? how should i do it and what should i say? This will be the first time i kissed a girl mid-date. Please advise me and dont tell me im over thinking this..thanks!

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