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I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now. We moved in together after apporximately 4 or 5 months after we got together. It's been a bit rocky from time to time - with getting adjusted to living together and just past relationship baggage that we both brought with us. We had trust issues, concerns about his nightly drinking & pot habit. But, through it all, we were always very touchy-feely with each other, always told each other we loved each other, the lines of communication were always open. Lately, something has changed. He rarely touches me anymore - unless it's to have sex. I don't hear "I love you" like I used to, the conversation runs dry alot of the time... we're not arguing or anything, and I don't believe there is any infedelity going on. He rarely smiles, seems distant and bored. I've asked him if he still loves me, etc - and his reply is that he does & is content & satisfied - but saying that and his actions and lack of re-action to me tells me something different. He's also snaps at me a little more lately... I'm not sure what all this means - and I don't want to bring it up again with him because he gets upset when he feels like I'm asking him whats wrong and he has already told me "nothing". He walked out today with just a "have a good day" - no kiss goodbye or anything... So help me guys - what do YOU think is going on??? What should I do, etc??? HELP PLEASE!!!

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It seems like you two are getting comfortable. Maybe a bit too comfortable. My advice would be to back off a little - go do stuff with your friends, don't be so clingy to him around the house. Maybe start dressing a little nicer around him - don't start acting like an old married couple just yet. See if he starts becoming a little more interested in you again. Good luck!

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Yeah, I agree with annie. You two live together... I dont think its completely necessary to spend every waking moment together. Go out and do your own thing... and let him do his. Have a talk with him about it... let him know that when he didnt give you a kiss good bye or anything, it puzzled you. It'll feel better to talk about it


good luck with everything

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Yeah - I was thinking - If you wear your old and super comfy sweats all over the house, get rid of them! Get a cute nightie. Around the house, when you drink coffee, watch TV, wear some cute, low cut things. link removed has tons of cute lounging around the house clothing - lots of it is on sale too! Do your hair. Start being a little more mysterious. I would definitely reward him for the things he does that please you. Good luck!

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