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Do you have any bizarre attractions to the opposite sex? Just let them rip b/c I know we all have one.


Mine: Call this shallow but i have to have a thin girl usually around 120-130 pounds max. This has meant very few picks. I drive myself and my friends crazy being so picky.

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Question, do you go for the actual number of her weight or just what she looks like she might weigh? What I mean is, say there is some gil who looks like she weighs about 125 pounds, but she is very athletic, works out a lot, and has lots of muscle. Someone like that may weigh around 140 because muscle is heavier than fat. Does a thing like that matter to guys?


As for my imput on attraction, I LOVE long haired scruffy guys! Nothing turns me on more. I have always been this way too. When I was younger I had the biggest crush on Axl Rose. My husband has long black hair and a long black goatee. It's always been my thing...

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It isn't so much the weight as the general descripton of her contour. I don't like rolls b/c it ruins the contour. Nothing is more beautiful then the gentle sloping line that contours a woman's backside as she lays on her stomach. That outline is probably the most hynotizing image I can think of.

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It isn't so much the weight as the general descripton of her contour. I don't like rolls b/c it ruins the contour. Nothing is more beautiful then the gentle sloping line that contours a woman's backside as she lays on her stomach. That outline is probably the most hynotizing image I can think of.


This will probably sound weird but I agree with you. Being a veteran art student I have had several figure drawing classes in which I drew live nude models, both male and female. I have also photographed nudes (also male and female) The female body really is a beautiful thing.


An afterthought to the original question: I also like pale skin. I guess it's a Goth thing, lol.


It's good that you look at the figure rather than obsessing over a number. The reason I asked was because I work out every day, and I actually weigh about 20 pounds heavier than I look.

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I have always been very artistic, took art class, art history, and did pencil drawings/painting. It isn't so much the details that make the female figure so attractive but the coutour that almost mimics a wave in the ocean. I guess it is that serene feeling when watching it that I like so much. But, like I said before, trying to find a woman that has that plus emotionally together and not a drama queen is very hard. 9 times out of 10, a woman with this body is pretty conceited.

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I like rugged, casual men. Pretty-boys or guys who groom too much are somewhat 'girlie-men' in my opinion. I want a man, not a guy who is fighting me for the mirror. A get-up-and-go kind of guy who can fix his own car with his two hands, and who isn't concnerned with brand labels. A "metrosexual" would be a good example of a guy I'd keep at arms length (no offence!).


More physically-speaking, I've always been more attracted to guys who have more 'character' in their faces (like Barry Pepper from Knockaround Guys). Also, unlike many women who like big muscles, I prefer a guy who is slimmer, has big wide shoulders and a small butt, lol


Big, perfectly sculpted hands also really do it for me.

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I like athletic guys, but whether they're lean and lanky or short and stocky doesn't really make a huge difference...s'long as they've got muscle.


I also have a thing for curly hair. It's just so fun to play with, curling and uncurling, and those long curls just frame their face oh so beautifully...


Call me weird, but braces are awesome. I just find them to be so adorable, but I suppose once I'm out of high school they won't seem so attractive, probably make them look young, which is a shame really. A lone silver earing is also sexy.


I find myself going for foreign guys, or tanned guys, or guys who can speak several languages.


Add in a deep, sexy voice and there's my perfect guy.

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I also have my own preference for women with larger breasts. lol..it used to bother me because I felt shallow, but I realized that as long as physical characteristics aren't the only determinant, it's okay to be into the physical aspects. Personality should also be factored in of course.

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I like athletic guys, but whether they're lean and lanky or short and stocky doesn't really make a huge difference...s'long as they've got muscle.


I also have a thing for curly hair. It's just so fun to play with, curling and uncurling, and those long curls just frame their face oh so beautifully...


Call me weird, but braces are awesome. I just find them to be so adorable, but I suppose once I'm out of high school they won't seem so attractive, probably make them look young, which is a shame really. A lone silver earing is also sexy.


I find myself going for foreign guys, or tanned guys, or guys who can speak several languages.


Add in a deep, sexy voice and there's my perfect guy.


Carrots ... you've just described my boyfriend, right down TO THE BRACES!

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I find myself going for foreign guys, or tanned guys, or guys who can speak several languages.



When I was in high school I had it so bad for a german exchange student. It wasn't how he looked or that we had anything in common, it was the accent. I love accents. This guy could have called me up and read a computer manual and I would listened spellbound.


I agree with annie about the teeth. Bad teeth turn me OFF, between that and chewing tabacco I can't decide which is a bigger turn off. Guys who chew tabacco and spit all the time are just gross.

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I agree with annie about the teeth. Bad teeth turn me OFF, between that and chewing tabacco I can't decide which is a bigger turn off. Guys who chew tabacco and spit all the time are just gross.


I agree that snaggleteeth can be a put-off. Although things like that have never mattered to me if the guy had the right stuff where it mattered: the brain! Bad breath is another result of taking bad care of your oral hygeine, and is downright gag-inducing.

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I have this thing for curly hair. I cant explain it.. but theres just something about it that is so incredibly hot. And spiked up hair, too. Ohohohoho.


And pretty boys. I love pretty boys, I dont know why. Or more like, guys-who-look-like-pretty-boys-but-aren't.

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I like athletic guys, but whether they're lean and lanky or short and stocky doesn't really make a huge difference...s'long as they've got muscle.


I also have a thing for curly hair. It's just so fun to play with, curling and uncurling, and those long curls just frame their face oh so beautifully...


Call me weird, but braces are awesome. I just find them to be so adorable, but I suppose once I'm out of high school they won't seem so attractive, probably make them look young, which is a shame really. A lone silver earing is also sexy.


I find myself going for foreign guys, or tanned guys, or guys who can speak several languages.


Add in a deep, sexy voice and there's my perfect guy.


Carrots ... you've just described my boyfriend, right down TO THE BRACES!


OceanEyes .. Is he still in high school>

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I have always been very artistic, took art class, art history, and did pencil drawings/painting. It isn't so much the details that make the female figure so attractive but the coutour that almost mimics a wave in the ocean. I guess it is that serene feeling when watching it that I like so much. But, like I said before, trying to find a woman that has that plus emotionally together and not a drama queen is very hard. 9 times out of 10, a woman with this body is pretty conceited.


Have you considered doing volunteer work? I mean, if you meet a slim woman there, you can be pretty confident that she's a caring person.

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