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Ex won't stop messaging me


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So quick back story g/f of 5 years broke up with me about 2 months ago. Here's the break up thread We lived together for about 1 month after while I sorted out a new place to live. Side note that is still not completely sorted as I don't have a set place to live but I'm out of the shared house. I determined she had met someone else. But we still have bills in common so I could not make it a complete no contact break i.e. block her number.


She still contacts me every couple days. I very politely asked her to stop saying I needed time to deal with this. But she keeps doing it and it's always some random thing to try and lure me into responding. Which I don't. But it still eats at me for the rest of the day.

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I'll add to that above with: After you tell her to contact a mutual friend that would agree to field her calls, tell her that she can contact him/her about the unfinished bills and they will relay a message to you and have that friend ignore EVERYTHING from her that does not have something to do with what is still not settled.

Then, once you get your stuff together and get whatever it is settled, both of you block her.

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