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Why would he act like this towards me?


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I go to college and earlier today during my breaks between classes, this guy started to talk to me and flirt with me. He also called me babe, he wanted me to give him back massages and he even tried to kiss me when we just met. What does it mean when he acted like this the day he just met me?

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Well... I would never do that!

I guess others are right... but why do you care about his intentions? What you should care about, in my opinion, is yourself.

Do you like him? Do you feel any attraction? Are you comfortable with him approaching you that way? If yes, then go for him. If not, then just ignore him just like most girls will do in such situations.

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I don't know. Maybe that's his idea of playful, maybe that's what he thinks women like. Maybe he gets rejected all day long and wonder what's wrong with him. It may be well intended, it might not be. No one knows. If his approach doesn't appeal to you, walk away and take the high road.

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