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Ill keep it short..

Together 1 and half year ,,Broke up over 2 months i ended it big mistake..She rebounded fast she is still meeting him.She turn nasty towards me i guess because i never begged or fought for her.. I wished her the best but now i know i made big mistake Being doing no contact but its being broke every 2 weeks with no begging or pleading ,,

Need help with will i fight for her now or wait a while been very down lost weight and so on getting depressed .

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Nothing to fight for. She moved on. You know begging 'fighting for", etc. doesn't work, so it's just an exercise in futility. Maintain NC and focus on yourself, especially self-improvement. Why did you dump her?

Together 1 and half year Broke up over 2 months i ended it big mistake..She rebounded fast she is still meeting him.
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Yikes...she's just being vengeful and licking her wounds. Steer clear for a while...NC. She's still too raw and too mad to bother negotiating with at this time.

I said i was sorry and so on but she kept on rubbing in me face how could this new man is have to admit he is better looking ,,her responses where not nice it was just after break up
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I said i was sorry and so on but she kept on rubbing in me face how could this new man is have to admit he is better looking ,,her responses where not nice it was just after break up


she wants reaction out of you. if she didn't care, she wouldn't be saying things like that and would be living happily ever after right now with her new man...

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Don't count on a rebound disappearing. I married my rebound and spent 12 years with my next one. My marriage was a mistake, but my other rebound was a huge upgrade from his predecessor. Some rebounds don't work out, some do. Just like any other relationship. Stay away when she is in this state or she could get the police involved. She is very angry at you.

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