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ex girlfriend being cold


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my ex girlfriend of 3 years broke our relationship off around 6 weeks ago. I tried to sort the problem out be she said she wasn't happy. A few weeks before we were looking at houses and talking kids marriage ect. Then she finished it out of the blue. I didn't contact her for nearly 40 days and then I did asking her for some certificates for a new job I got. She instantly replied saying she'll have a look and then I replied thanking her. She replied the next day saying she hadn't got them. Her messgaes were very cold and she didn't acknowledge the fact that I have got a new job. I don't understand why she would be so cold? Any advice? I thought after that amount of time of no contact both parties were meant to heal and have a straight mind again? I know I have. But I feel like she is still In the same place I left her.

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I can't speak for men, I am female, but when I'm done, I'm done. I NEVER want to see or hear from you again.


Absolutely if I'm done with someone don't ever grace my life again . That doesn't mean I hate you it doesn't mean I have a grudge. That just means I am done. Life is too short to waste .

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She answered your questions in a straightforward manner. No messing, no leading on and no drama. That's not necessarily being cold, it's being careful not to open any doors that she wants to keep shut.


To be honest, if you had as straight a mind as you thought you had, you wouldn't be questioning the nature of her texts. Truth is you had put some hope into this contact and it didn't go the way you wanted. I wouldn't say she was in the same place you left her. After all, you didn't do the leaving in the first place. She has just moved on to the point where she doesn't really need to have prolonged contact with you. It's perfectly normal. Everyone is different and some people like the past to be kept firmly in the past.

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my ex girlfriend of 3 years broke our relationship off around 6 weeks ago. I tried to sort the problem out be she said she wasn't happy. A few weeks before we were looking at houses and talking kids marriage ect. Then she finished it out of the blue. I didn't contact her for nearly 40 days and then I did asking her for some certificates for a new job I got. She instantly replied saying she'll have a look and then I replied thanking her. She replied the next day saying she hadn't got them. Her messgaes were very cold and she didn't acknowledge the fact that I have got a new job. I don't understand why she would be so cold? Any advice? I thought after that amount of time of no contact both parties were meant to heal and have a straight mind again? I know I have. But I feel like she is still In the same place I left her.


You really don't know where she is. She may be annoyed that you gave a "flimsy" reason to contact her. She may be angry with you in general. OR she may be indifferent and not care at all.


No matter what, it's a clear sign she doesn't want to communicate.

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