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I don't know how much more I can handle!!

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I always try and be as calme as possible. I always keep my conposure, and don't loose my cool, but it's become very hard these last few weeks


As you've read, my life has been really sad resently. My best friends mom has cancer, and my counsilor told me she didn't think I could accomplish my life long goal of being a doctor!


But today takes the cake. One of my firends house's burn't to the ground! Her pets died, everything is gone! I want to help so bad, but don't know how to!


I feel like someone is after my life. Why is everything wrong going on at once? I think I am going nuts, I really can't wait to leave the continent to Europe in 3 weeks, but I really don't know how I am supposed to cope like this until then!


I just need advise on handling this new situation, and my life in general! Someone stop me if I am being a boob!

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Put things in context: some of these things are not happening to you, they are happening to people you know. Upsetting but not directly affecting you. You should feel empathy not sympathy, so put them in context.


Why did the counsellor tell you you could not make it as a doctor? One person's opinion may be wrong. Check it out for yourself as to what grades etc. you need and ask other people you trust for their opinion. She may well be wrong.


Enjoy the trip and let all this other stuff go for a while, so you can return refreshed and with a better outlook.


Good luck.

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You really care about the people around you and that is a great quality to have. I am sure that these people know that you are there for them whenever they need you. If you are not sure that they know this, just let them know that "I am here if you need me and I've got your back!" You will most likely be a source of strength when they need it.


If and when your friends need you, at anytime, use positive and uplifting talk. Let them know "everything WILL be OK." Its simple i know, but it really makes an impact to just think and speak positively.


Take a deep breath, maybe even a few, because it is hard to think rationally when you are under stress...you will be OK, just take a step back and a load off of your shoulders.


Everything will work our for you and your friends...keep your head up in the meantime.


Best wishes to you and them.

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Feeling down on life really doesn't help anything it'll just make everything worse. Maybe you could get a book about how to cope with cancer to give to your friend. Please don't put so much weight on the remark that your counsellor made. I truly believe anything is possible in this life. A lot of people have achieved things that others never believed they could ever achieve but so what they achieved it anyway. For your last friend try getting in contact with her and ask her if there's anything you could help her with.

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