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Live a happy life in ignorance, or accept the truth?


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This is an interesting question.


Would you people rather live a happy life in ignorance, or know the truth?


Lets say, hypothetically speaking, that one day someone comes to you and makes you realize you have been lied to your whole life.


I, personally, would like to accept truth, no matter how harsh, rather than live happily in ignorance.


What you think?

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Of course this depends on the situation and how it would affect my life - but personally, I would choose ignorance, especially if I had arleady been lied to my whole life. I can't really justify this answer b/c I know that it's prboably not the right choice 'morally,' but I'd rather be naive and happy.

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I would much rather know the truth. Especially if it was something that applied to 'my whole life...' I mean, if my parents came to me today and said I had been adopted, it still wouldn't change anything for me... Those are my parents (the ones I've always known as my parents anyway). Now, if they said I had been born a girl and was changed to a man, well that would confuse the tar out of me, but I'd still want to know... Of course, if that were the case, explaining the creation of my two children would be a treat! ;-)

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depends on the circumstances. If the information was painful and provided no benefit in knowing the truth then what is the point of knowing?


Let's say for example that you found out someone you loved as a child and was now dead had done something shameful. How would it benefit you to know the truth?

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i would accept the truth. Living in a life of ignorance is what plenty of people in the world do today, and in my personal opinion its really no way to live. knowing the truth, if it effects your whole life, can be learned from whereas not knowing anything basically teaches you nothing at all. Its just like learning from your mistakes, but in this situation you learn from truth, and not ignorance.


Thats my 2 cents

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living in an idealistic eutopia of 'all that is good' is sickening. its a pansy disquise on reality & it is only for the weak. life will bite you in the butt as it should!


i pray for the best but plan for the worst of all situations.



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If I realized eventually that the life I was living was a life of ignorance, then I definitely choose the truth. It's like as soon as that person tells you, you realize how much time you wasted so far. I bet that would be a devastating feeling. Otherwise, it's an interesting question.

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So if you ate a great meal and left just a little of the salad and the waiter comes up and says "we found half a caterpillar in the salad you left" you would be happy with that?


Free meal and a little extra, bonus protein....what's not to like?


And completely paid medical bills if the caterpillar was poisonous....heck, might even be able to sue for monetary damages.


Bring on the bugs!

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Considering the stuff I have eaten, before knowing the truth, I would still opt for knowing the truth. I like knowing the truth, good or bad.


However, if I didn't know that I didn't know the truth, I wouldn't care about the truth because that was "the truth" as far as I was concerned... so it's a bit of a moot point ;-)

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