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Ok worst day in the world, so what did you all get?

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Did anyone get anything from there ex's? Im in NC so not expecting anything, but do Exs even send a email or anything saying happy birthday, i still dont know what vday is all about, is it a day your suppose to wish happy to someone.

Like bday, you say happy bday, but for vday, do you or your ex or watever suppose to say hey you happy vday, just kinda confused.


Just wondering if anyone received anything, i didnt lol nor heard frmo her.

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No not really, just if they love you. Which genrally speaking ex's don't. I don't know if I got anything or not because I'm not staying at home this week but I doubt it very much. The only thing I did get was yesterday. My ex boyfriend told me to have a nice life and die because I told him I didn't apreciate him bad mouthing my friends..


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well thats not nice is it, im not sure you should blame him, some guys find rejection hard, and maybe he felt that, so he retaliated.


I dont think if they love you they will send something, i think its just complecated, maybe cause one, they will give you hope. But if your not with your ex, do you still say happy valentines day? like you would a birthday, im not saying i will, but im just curious, i kinda dont understand this date.

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I guess if your EX is seeing someone else or whatever, then I dont think it is a good idea to get them anything. I dont even think a phone call or whatever would be appropriate. But, if they are not, then I would phone the EX, thus an excuse to talk to them.


For me today is just another Monday, who cares!! Been doing the NC thing for 5 days now, so I dont think I am gonna break it for a stupid holiday as today...... and i know my EX wont, I would be very surprised if she did!!


Birthdays are totally different. You had better say something to your EX if you do want a second chance.... Val Day sux... Even when you have someone, it still is nothing!! Just another reason to go out and spend money..... LOL

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im not expecting anything at all nor do i plan to send her anything. We just went different ways and we don't talk at all. So nothing for me to worry here. Which is kinda of good.

And even if she loved me, she wouldn't say a thing.


Although somehow i think she will say something in my bday, next week. A feeling i guess...

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shadow, that was interesting, i been on NC since last monday, so its my 2nd week, my ex rang me for my bday, but no card, i wonder why, but im not dwelling on it. im just glad im not around today for her, anyone else hear frmo the ex, i think no one has so far, even if they are on good talkin terms (myself).

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Nothing for me either - Been in NC for 11 days now...am becoming slightly concerned that she may now start resenting me, rather than missing me in the positive light..!!


I truly believe there is still something there worth fighting for and am not so sure NC is right - What do you folks think about limited contact?? just an SMS saying Happy V day??


She is as stubborn as I am and I know that's why I haven't got anything...any ideas?

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a friend of mine just emailed me this: DEEP STUFF


.... this time period can coincide with a temporary break or separation from a loved one. It may be necessary to make a heartfelt effort to give more time, devotion, and appreciation to your relationships without sacrificing your own needs and desires in the process. I want to remind you, in case you've somehow forgotten, that you'll never be able to bask in the love you want to receive from another person until you master the art of loving yourself with great skill and imagination. I'll go so far as to say that it's pointless to search for a perfect partner if you're not already your own perfect partner.

Your feelings may get the best of you today, however, but just stay active and don't dwell on the little things.

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OK, my EX just called me to wish me Happy V Day!! So, I said Happy V day back to ya. Then she goes I just wanted to make sure you got home last Wed. nite ok. I wish you didnt leave so soon, cause we were having a good time together (The reason I left was cause she informs me her new bf was coming over in 15 minutes, so I bailed). She was like he never did come over that nite.


She also said you are mad that nite, werent you. I couldnt think what to say, cause I am trying to do the cold as ice thing now from Hockey, so I said well if I was, sucks to be me!! Whatever that means?!?!?!? She didnt know either. I am such a wuss when it comes to her. I hear her voice and I melt......... LOVE STINKS!!


So, anyway I guess I was the second one to get a call, but I have a strong suspicion we are back to NC again..... lovely

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Well, good for you on the call, must mean something,,although not sure what as I don't even understand my own...


I did fire of an SMS a short while ago, so stopwatch has started


Really beginning to think that as I have made no contact for a bit, she wil be angry with me - frustrating, loads of thoughts running through my mind.

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Hmmm, my ex told me Friday that she got me something for VDay. So I sent a dozen roses to her work yesterday for this great day. Then today she got all bent out of shape since I would not let her come to my house and get stuff that is hers. I am not being a a%$ but I just dont want her going through all my stuff with out me being there. She went off about this. But the courts told her she had to go through a process if she wanted a hair brush from my house.


She got over that pretty fast. Then she said she had plans this morning for lunch. Like a date. but it was not a date it was lunch with her dad but she acts like it was something else. Then I was nice. I asked her out for dinner. but no she has plans. I dont know what they are but she has them. So I asked a cute girl out tonight and we are a go for dinner and a movie. But it sucks not being with the one that you really love alot.


So at least I got a gift for today and she got roses but it sucks we are not together for this day. Now my wife wants to start dating and going places after the divorce. Strange deal on me.


Sorry so long guys.

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well.........we r good friends. it's been a tough couple of days and 2nite is no exception. she's been having a breakdown so i've been sticking by. she doesn't want 2 talk 2 anyone, but at least she rings me and texts me. so what can i do but make sure she's ok!?

she has even e-mailed from work 2day. and i think she'll call later on when she's home from meeting.

we talk like normal, there's no declaration of love, but we can both feel it and know it's there by the way i'm so concerned and the way i care for her.

just gotta keep going i guess!

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ah yep, today sucks...actually my ex sent an ecard saying Happy Vday, but it was in a mass email to all her friends. I was doing the no contcat thing cause she says she is not over me, misses me, loves me, and all that, but she has a BF. Figure that 1 out. She says she is scared of being alone. Well she tells me she wants to be friends because she doesn't want to just show up one day out of the blue and be like "Here I am, I am ready to be your girlfriend again". She says that would be weird and I kinda see where she is coming from. She says at least if we are friends we can still be in each others lives and something may happen, slowly develop. Who knows, I sure dont anymore!

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heartbroken, i feel for ya, I am right there with ya. My EX wants to be friends, etc... and she has a new bf, says the same thing, she doesnt like being alone, she's afraid of getting hurt, etc.... it is the toughest thing to try and be just friends.... so i am "holding on loosely" and am not gonna be there for her everytime, some of the time, but not all the time like i was doing last couple weeks....


hang in there dude. Today does suck, but tomorrow will be better i keep telling myself....

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Well i decided to call and wish my ex a happy v-day. got the machine. i expected that because she has two massively hairy tests on tuesday and wednesday. she may be out studying or possibly screening calls...who knows...


she may return the call, and then again, she may not. i can't hold it against her though. i know she cares, but she has made it clear that her education is number one right now.

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she returned my call and she is totally stressing out about two tests she has on tuesday and wednesday. i never heard her so worried....i did my best just to listen and provide support, but she took the time to call because she "wanted to return my call."


she is very worried because it would mean a c in the course if she does poorly and she can't do less then a b in the program...


i told her i would pray for her and she said thanks....


we said goodbye and i got a little teary because i could not help her or even give her a hug...


"just don't lose confidence in yourself and do what you can for the test tomorrow. then after the test, talk to the teacher of the test for wednesday and she may tell you something you were missing and it will all work out." I did my best to give her encouragement.

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