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How do you cope if bf doesnt text as much?


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Thank you for your message, allibaidoo4. I came back here as I found myself in the same problem again. You are right, not chasing him is the way. That is exactly what I should be doing right now. Last conversation I kind of showed him slight discontent.. And he ignored it. It's time for me to stop "annoying" him and reflect my emotion and calm myself down for abit until he reach out to me.

I do hope your ldr works out for you.

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I feel so miserable and ugly today. He stopped talking to me, I guessed I upset him, and gave him space and wait for him to initiate, which does not seem happen. I missed him and my emotion overwhelmed me and I text him to apologize if I upset him. I feel he is never going to speak to me again. What should I do, I'm kind of depressed. I haven't got the courage to move on.

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Stop apologizing to him for goodness sakes and just block and delete him so that you know for certain that you will not be hearing from him again.


You are better off without him but you'll NEVER realize that if you keep losing your self-respect and begging him to remain in your life.


Reach down far and pull up your personal power and use that strength to delete him in ALL ways.

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Thank you for your message, allibaidoo4. I came back here as I found myself in the same problem again. You are right, not chasing him is the way. That is exactly what I should be doing right now. Last conversation I kind of showed him slight discontent.. And he ignored it. It's time for me to stop "annoying" him and reflect my emotion and calm myself down for abit until he reach out to me. I do hope your ldr works out for you.

No, actually it's time for you to stop responding to his crumbs of attention and get on with your rehab from the addiction of having his crumbs of attention in your life.


He does not love you. You do not love him but you are addicted to whatever it is you think he gives you. You waste your life on this dysfunctional relating you have become addicted to.


You will never find a good man to spend your life with as long as your heart and mind are clouded with anticipation and hope for him.

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Thank you for your advice. I think I notice myself I'm addicted.

If only he says to me that he has girl in his local area or something, then I could actually move on though.. Argh. I wonder what's the difference between me and other happy people who found their love and get married.. etc. I really need to learn something...

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you for reply.

It's been almost a month since he disappeared. I should have listened to everyone here a long time ago. It's completely over.. Good thing is I haven't tried to contact him at all and deleted loads of photos to remind me of him. I just cannot believe someone could just dissapear from almost 2 years of "talking".

In future I hope I won't let myself to be treated like this again.

I just wanted to say thanks here for all the advices.

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