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Should I just call it a life now that UI has run out?


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My last position was outsourced and I found myself without a job in the middle of May. Having had no luck in finding a new job, my Unemployment Insurance has run out. I've tried temp agencies, online job boards, and nothing. With no money and the very real danger of losing my apartment, I am really considering ending the whole charade that no one can really call my life.

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I'm so sorry you are going through this difficult time. It must be frightening.


Your life is important though. No, please do not cash out. You can get through this. I know how difficult it can be to believe that when you are in the middle of something so difficult, but one thing is constant and that is change. That means a change for the better can happen too, and sometimes it happens fast. Just hold on for now. All you need is that one positive change that gives you back a sense of hope, and you will be wondering how you could have ever felt so hopeless before. I have been there, wondering how it could ever get better? But it can and it does.

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Sorry to hear that ,The worst thing you can do is give up. There's always hope trust me! If you can't find a job right now then keep looking, I'm sure you'll find something that suits you. Perhaps you could apply for anything ie Macdonals or Tim Hortons, for the time being you know until a better one comes along? just for now to get on your feet .Places like that are always hiring

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Data Entry jobs are the only thing I can do competently. I have an Education degree that is all but useless. No school worth anything would dare take me seriously.


The prospect of becoming homeless again is too much for me to take. It's tempting to just take all of my heart medication and hope for a quick end to everything.

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