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Sex & men with diabetes-he say's the lust has gone?


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Aussie: You ask:


"Surely he knew he couldn't perform from the onset, not sure why pursued dating me in the first place"


I suppose, putting it briefly, "hope springs eternal". Could have been out of desperation, loneliness, his illness, all kinds of factors, none of which a good idea for seeking a relationship.

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I would not date a man with a chronic condition who is not taking basic measures to optimize his health, and in fact is self-destructive.


Even in a relative healthy person, over-drinking can cause ED (it's a nervous system depressant), and over time, a long-standing problem with microcirculation and neurological health of the organ. But it's all that much worse for a diabetic. And smoking constricts blood vessels and produces hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in tissues.


So what he's doing to himself is like someone with a stomachache downing a pint of vinegar and then to top it off, eating a bowl of chili peppers (I think I just made myself a bit sick thinking about that!). It's a one-two punch for his peen.


However difficult this condition is for him, or how much he has difficulty talking about it and its challenges, he's treating himself in a self-destructive, oblivious, reactive, devil-may-care manner and that's a pattern so deep, I would have no desire to figure any of this out any further. Why would you want to be with someone who is not interested in improving the quality of their life rather than further degrading it?

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Yeah I know and the guy shouldn't blame others for it with excuses like 'lost the lust' needs to take responsibilty


You're banging your head against a wall here, fixating on how he is wrong and you are right. Everyone here had already agreed, yes he is just making up excuses, yes he shouldn't blame you for not being able to perform. Now move on and not waste another second of thought on this guy.


I'm not sure what else you're looking for? That he admit he's wrong and apologise? That's never going to happen. Think about it this way, why is it your responsibility to EDUCATE him how to be a mature, honest, responsible adult? It isn't. So don't make it so.


Go on and live your life without this idiot.

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You're banging your head against a wall here, fixating on how he is wrong and you are right. Everyone here had already agreed, yes he is just making up excuses, yes he shouldn't blame you for not being able to perform. Now move on and not waste another second of thought on this guy.


I'm not sure what else you're looking for? That he admit he's wrong and apologise? That's never going to happen. Think about it this way, why is it your responsibility to EDUCATE him how to be a mature, honest, responsible adult? It isn't. So don't make it so.


Go on and live your life without this idiot.


Actually can't you see I have now realised it wasn't me, previously I hadn't, its a sign I have moved on and I am venting on here isn't that what this site is for? You should be proud of me not have a go, have a great day!

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Actually can't you see I have now realised it wasn't me, previously I hadn't, its a sign I have moved on and I am venting on here isn't that what this site is for? You should be proud of me not have a go, have a great day!


Not having a go at you at all, yes it's obviously good that you can see it's not you.


Moving on means to stop spending time and brain cell on this person and matter, including continuing to thinking about or venting about him. The forum is for seeking advice, hence my providing advice, no need to be offended or defensive. Obviously you're allowed to vent if you so choose.

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Its only been 3 day's since it happened, think I am allowed to vent and give it a bit of brain space, and getting confirmation and advice from others on here will help me giving it more thought plus asking for advice from people who have experience with diabetes why was I posted, I no nothing about this disease

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Caps all the questions were answered by myself, no need to be smart


I'm not being smart at all. Several people have asked you a number of times what you want out of this relationship and you never replied. Not once. Only in post # 65 did you finally say you never want to hear from him again, so now we know. You can now move on. Not sure why the need to get so defensive in all your replies.

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I'm not being smart at all. Several people have asked you a number of times what you want out of this relationship and you never replied. Not once. Only in post # 65 did you finally say you never want to hear from him again, so now we know. You can now move on. Not sure why the need to get so defensive in all your replies.


Not sure why you need to be rude and speaking to me like I am a d............ a............ is needed in all your replies is necessary when I was feeling very down, all I was doing was venting and my question was not answered initially and that was 'was his lost lust comment just a coverup for his ED?'

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Thanks Hermes, it takes a while for some things to sink in with me sometimes lol

I appreciate you sending me this link.

Now I know why his last relationship didn't work out either, told me he lost his attraction for her, seems to be a repeating cycle.





I posted a link with information about diabetes.


For good measure:




Everything you could possibly want to know is in that link.

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