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What are you listening to? Part 13


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I love this song and its video. It brings me back to being a kid: A girl deeply in love with a boy, but tempted away from him by the whole world stretching out before her. Life goes on, but she always remembers him.


Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling like

It all could happen that's why I'm leaving

You for the moment

You for the moment, Boy Blue, yeah you


[video=youtube;oKxuiw3iMBE] ]

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On a bus trip from Rome to Siena, I listened to these two pieces of music on loop, over and over again. They matched the oddness of the passing landscape well.


Eluvium - I Will Not Forget that I Have Forgotten

Qntal - Passacaglia


This is Eluvium:


[video=youtube;UWprc1h5IQs] ]

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This is one of those songs where I feel like, "Thank god for YouTube." Because you can't find it anywhere to purchase. At least you couldn't a few years ago. I haven't checked lately. But thank god for YouTube, either way.



Il Palco No. 5


[video=youtube;8PCLiiXq11A] ]

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This is a special song. Besides being generally awesome, it also has the power to erase annoying songs that run on loop in your memory. Next time you have a song stuck in your head, picture the rhyth, and melody of this song. Guarantee it will scrub your mind of the unwanted tunes.


[video=youtube;Mb3iPP-tHdA] ]

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