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girls into a guys looks too


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come on we now gals are into a guys body as just as a guy in a hot gals body and face. good looking guys get mnore gals. u gals tellin me u don't six pack, buff, strong men and good looking like b pitt, those firefighter guys, thos guys in mens fitness and health come on. gals see that and they get all hot come on. u find later out that the good looking guys get more gals esp those that have good social skills, well which i don;t have just looks heheh also i too quite.

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I'm not into the guys you described. Personally, I don't find six packs attractive, I don't find guys with huge muscles attractive. In fact it kind of grosses me out. I also don't think Brad Pitt is attractive.


I think girls are into guys looks. We all like to look at good looking people, however, what one person finds attractive, another doesn't. So you can't just assume all girls are into one certain type of look for guys.


Also, I think that when you date someone, looks aren't as important as how he treats you. I think my boyfriend is very attractive, but I know many people don't think he's all that good looking. If he didn't treat me well, then I wouldn't be with him. So really good looks are great to look at, but when it comes to dating someone, the way they treat you or their personality is far more important.

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i like guys that r athletic now or in the past, cause i was athletic in the past. they also have to be kind, honest, funny, blue eyes ( love them) , i dont care how much $ they got, and they have to like the same things that iam into. thats it. i havent gotton any luck, they all run away when i tell them what sports i did & when i tell them how i feel bout them.i hate it. its that what guys want some one that is honest w/ them? See i only had one guy never kissed or fool around w/ my ex or any one else. Guys dont see me attractive. i do my best for them to noticed me, not w/ all the sexually stuff. i make mazes so i used my drawing to get them to noticed me. i approach guys alot, try to get them to open up and talk , i do this casue they dont approach me at all. all they do is flirt and stare at me. when i ask them why they do this , they would not tell me. i know that the guys are scared of me , 1. how i look 2. the way i talk and 3. i took karate , wrestling, and track. i just dont know what to do. i want a bf but they seem that no one will take a risk on me. but i do take alot of risks on them. see before i went out w/ my ex which is a bud of mine and he still is , ive been made fun of and cause ive been rjected more then 100x's , iam a strong person, i dont let that get to me, i just keep on asking tell i find one that will not be scared of me. i make myself available all the time at college, so that if they want to talk to me they can but they dont.

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Sure I personally think there are lots of hot guys out there. I happen to think Brad Pitt is hot. I like the guys in CK ads, and if I were single, and could pick anyone to have a fling with, it would probably be Simon Cowell.


That said, my BF isn't tall, or buff. He isn't my "type" but I don't love him any less. In fact, for all those guys out there who think it's only the tremendously hot "bad boys" that get the girls, my BF is a sweet, sensitive, nice guy that you'd expect to finish last. I happen to think he's cute as well.


Don't get so hung up on looks. You guys have it much easier. Because different things turn guys and girls on, an average looking guy can actually be hotter than a better looking guy just by virtue of the way he treats his girl. Women, on the other hand, are trying to attract the sex that is almost exclusively visual. Stop complaining.


Take care!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, looks are subjective. What one person likes, someone else won't. What matters is inner beauty. If someone is beautiful on the inside, it will show through and you'll find them more attractive on the outside. Besides, physical appearance is transitory, it'll fade with time. But a beautiful personality, heart, and soul never ceases to be beautiful.

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I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not first attracted to a guy by his looks. Of course I am. If I'm standing in a room full of men (which isn't usually because of my stupid all women's college) and I don't get to talk to any of them and I have to choose one to talk to, of course it's going to be the attractive one.


But let's say I get to talk to all the guys in the room. If the attractive one is an arrogant a-hole or dumb as a doorknob, and the average looking guy is sweet and funny, I would drop the attractive one instantly for the average one.


Also for me, if a guy is a musician or an artist or a writer, his looks suddenly become about 10 x more attractive. So it's really not all in the outside appearances.


And I agree that an average looking guy can get more girls than an average looking girl. How many average looking guys are on TV? A heck lot more than average looking girls

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There are guys I think are attractive, but aren't my type. I think that many times the looks that many girls are truly attracted to are signs of a guys personality. There's a certain look that I go for, but that certain look involves a reserved and laid back personality. If someone had attractive features, but wasn't the personality type that I normally go for I don't think I would try to pursue him. It just seems to me like many girls are able to read into looks and see a personality they might be attracted to maybe more than guys do... I could be wrong...what do you all think?

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Okay maybe I should word it differently. I'm sure guys can get an idea of the girl's personality by just looking at their physical presense, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe girls view personality as more important in the beginning as many guys do. This is because many girls look for security more than looks and looks may be higher on a guy's list because they like competition and might initially want a girl who they think is very...ummmm...fertile....lol.



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For me personally, looks isn't the key thing to look for in a guy/girl. What if they were ugly, but was the most caring and loving guy/girl you've ever known? What if you met a very beautiful/handsome person, but realised that they had a stinking personality and didn't give a s*** about anything, including you? See the difference?


I have to admit.. If I were to look for a girl, she would have to have some looks, but what I look mostly for is what's inside, and to me that definitely counts. I hate people out there that just go for the looks.. it annoys me!

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