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I've been thinking of getting my gf a promise ring. She's Catholic, I don't know if there are any special Catholic rules/traditions I have to follow. I've kind of hinted to her about getting promise rings, she hasn't really given me a respons to it. The monogamy promise ring is worn on the left hand ring finger, right?


well thank you for any responses.




FYI the Irish girl I have posted about earlier, we decided to go our own ways after the first "date", we just went to the movies and that was it.

And the other girl "Mary" I havn't talked to her since the summer, I don't know if she's still with her bf or not. But i'm happy with the nice, beautiful girl I have now.

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honestly - as the recipient of a promise at age 17, i would advice not to give one so young. it's a beautiful trhing to promise your love to someone, but you have your whole life ahead of you...no need to do it so early in a relationship. wait at least a couple of years.

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How long have you been dating?


My ex *lol* gave me a promise ring after about 6 months - I'm a Catholic girl - I was 17 at the time, and as for the MEANING of a promise ring - it is a commitment to the relationship - not really engagement or marriage, but a promise that the relationship means a lot to you and you are committed to it. I think u should only give her a promise ring if you have been dating a long time and you are really serious about the relationship.


Thats my take on it.

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im 15 and i do love my bf we have been together for a year this month and we have talked about the future and all that good stuff. i dont think age has anything to do with love or the way you feel for a person (even though im a little buyest) love doesnt know age its a feeling it isnt about experience or education its in your heart and if you want to give her a promise rings its between you and her no one else and i dont think their is any religious things to worry about the big one is no sex before marrage so ya and yes it is on the left ring finger hope everything works out for the two of you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I didn't have money to get her a promise ring for Valentines day. But i'm thinking for your anniversary I might get her one. When I first heard of the idea of a promise ring I didn't think it would cost that much, you know just go get a simple ring, right? Well I went up to the mall and looked around.....WOW most of the ones I saw were like $90+


Now my question is. If I just got a simple ring, maybe gold or silver, do you think that would work as a promise ring? I don't really think it makes a difference but I was just wondering.





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Well I didn't have money to get her a promise ring for Valentines day. But i'm thinking for your anniversary I might get her one. When I first heard of the idea of a promise ring I didn't think it would cost that much, you know just go get a simple ring, right? Well I went up to the mall and looked around.....WOW most of the ones I saw were like $90+


Now my question is. If I just got a simple ring, maybe gold or silver, do you think that would work as a promise ring? I don't really think it makes a difference but I was just wondering.






Of course that would work - it still symbolizes the intent of a promise ring, correct? Calling it a promise ring is just a way for some companies to increase prices I am sure


I would go with something simple, and that won't turn her finger green! Silver would probably be a better bet as it is generally more affordable for better quality then gold at same price point.

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Hello, again.


Well I was just looking at some rings. I found a sterling silver with Cubic Zirconia, I was wondering now that I have found a ring for her, since she doesn't have a job and it's hard for her to aford these kind of things, I was going to buy one for her to give to me. With my understanding of a promise ring, both the guy and the girl wear one, what kind of ring should I wear? I was originally just going to get 2 gold bands and have our initials engraved into it. But I think I might go a head and get the 2 bands.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was with the same person for 5 years, from when I was 15 until a year ago.. 2 years into our relationship he noticed me looking at a white gold ring with a pearl on top (it was about $250) for Christmas he got it for me (me not knowing that it was going to be a promise ring) and told me that he loved me, and will always love me no matter what I do or where I go. I don't think that you should get her a cubic z. because it looks too much like a diamond, I think that it should be a simple ring that she can wear everyday, and yes I wore mine on my left hand.. Also do not think that you need to wear something, this is not a marriage, just a gesture of your love to her!!

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Ok, well I have given her the ring I got for her, we have just simple matching sterling silver bands. But I wish I would of given it to her sooner, so that I would of had more time to be with her, I was suppose to be on a demo. site, to take out a chimney, I gave her the ring and said a few things, like. "I hope you can take this ring as a symbol of my love for you and a monogomus relationship." We kissed, and everytime I see her she has the ring on. However I was going to get the ring engraved but the place I went to could only do it on the inside so it couldn't be seen, and I would of taken almost 5 days to get back to me. But I was happy that I got the size right the first time, I was kind of comparing her finger to one of mine, with out being too obvious .


Also my parents keep telling me that promise rings go on the right hand ring finger, when every person i've talked to has said left hand ring finger. My parents are weird.



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From my perspective, a promise ring can be either dedicated to the relationship or a ring to hold the place of where a future ring would go (engagement, wedding). As long as it doesn't look cheezy (hey, yeah, we are girls, we're picky!! we can't help it) there is no reason it has to include anything on the ring itself. Obviously the more personal it is the better, we like to see the extra effort


I think the consideration of a promise ring is a great step forward to ensure to the other person that you are doing what isn't required (which is to stay true to the other person). No one says ou have to be true, its just normally assumed that if you are dating someone that you will be Good luck!

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  • 1 year later...

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