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Hobbies that clear your mind.

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So what do you all do to clear your mind or take it off something after a long day. or what do you enjoy doing with your freetime?


just curious on what some people's favorite things are.


As for me... i spend most of my time in my car or prepping it for my stereo to be put in. Car audio is my hobby and has been before I got my license.


so lets hear it... what do you do with your freetime!!!!



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I play games online... If i've had a stressful day or if i'm very angry, i just play a good shooting game and release all my frustrations...


I also just enjoy sitting in a silent room on my back staring at the cieling and doing absolutely nothing... I know i'm strange...


There is stuff i want to learn to do, but it's always hard to start something when you have no one with you... I'd like to learn to hunt... and stuff...


But my computer is my hobby

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I bellydance. Fun music, fun clothes, I always feel great afterwards. Or, I put on some ambient music (Zero 7, Theivery Corporation) and just kinda chill out. I drink some wine and watch "Desperate Housewives." Or, go to the gym - my gym has personal TV sets on a lot of the cardio machines, so I kinda zone out, and before I know it, I just did 45 minutes of cardio!

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yoga...you can't help but feel completely light and stressless after yoga. Any form of excersise really. But if I'm feeling really tired and don't feel like I have that kind of energy...loud, hip hop music goes on, and then I have energy to do anything. Likely dance around the house lol. When no one is home, my house is a constant dance party, just for me. It's very uplifting.

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I am a competitive cyclist...so I find the best way for me to unwind and think (or not think sometimes!) is to hit the trails on my mountain bike, or the open road on the road bike. In the winter (we get lots of snow and cold!) even the trainer works for me I love biking!


Lifting weights at the gym, a power yoga practice, climbing, cross country skiing or a run also all work really well! Since I do some sort of activity everyday (biking, weights, running, climbing, yoga, etc) I can keep very unstressed anyway..keeps me balanced before I get a chance to stress out really!


I also do some drawing (though not as much lately) or do some reading, listen to music, do some stuff around the apartment, work on my bike (clean or maintenance).


And....I LOVE to unwind with my boyfriend...just talking, cuddling, making dinner together, staying in or going out, go to gym together (it does not really matter!).....he has a wonderful way of making any stress go away and helping me unwind and relax just being with him, even if I had no idea I needed to unwind at all!

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Anything with horses...from riding, to cleaning stalls, to jogging them around the track for exercise. Even when you're working around the most well-mannered horse, you still have to be very aware of what's going on in the present moment so you don't get bit, kicked, stepped on, thrown, etc. There's no room to focus on anything else.

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I guess I can add a few more.


I play 2d//3d fighting games competitively. You know like Street Fighter and Tekken.


Also look for new music very often.. mainly in the indie genre.


Did I mention car audio? Well this is my obsession... it can generate more stress but that's only before you actually have enough money to get the equipment you want. I'm so obsessed I got a second job selling car audio equipment at circuit city... sure, it's not the highest end stuff but it's my hobby and i get to help people.


oooo another boring saturday night




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It's all about cruising in the country where you don't disturb.... DTP is not cool and the people who do it are idiots.


The real fans of the CA industry enjoy what they do because they love good sound quality... we aren't to be confused with the people who want blaring loud bass that wakes you up in the middle of the night.


If you make enemies with me... then yea i'm waking your whole block up but making me mad is something hard to do.


Some of these kids have a real big problem with wanting to DTP i however take it seriously and I am mature about it. I dont' just buy 2 subs, an amp, and a box and throw them in my trunk. Part of the fun is finding a way to be different than everyone else.... this is where fabrication and installing comes into play...

You can tell alot by looking at someone's install... you can tell the punks from the elite.


I'm really passionate about what I do and it upsets me kids have to ruin it. I go to high school with alot of these kids and don't even talk with them about my hobby... because even though we like car audio they aren't passionate about it.


my .02




so DN, if you want to have a chat.... i'm not the guy you are looking for

maybe look into your states noise level laws? (alot have been cracking down on this, which is a very good thing, kids will have to stop using mom and dad's money to buy speakers.. only to use it on paying their tickets.)

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"so DN, if you want to have a chat.... i'm not the guy you are looking for"


Rats!! I was hoping I'd tracked him down!


The municipality have the by-laws but the police won't do anything, they claim they are too busy chasing honest citizens for minor crimes like murder, drug-trafficking and similar trivialities.

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Reading any non-fiction i can find. Listening to music. Watching corny sitcoms and great foreign films. Cooking anything sweet and yummy. sitting by the water watching the sun dance over the waves. I usually prefer to spend my time hanging out with my partner but when i'm single or alone all the above are my favourite things to do.

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I play hockey! That's ausome. As well, I enjoy the occational computer/xbox games with my buddies. We also often play street hockey.


My major thing, though, is music. I've had a major pation for it since I was tiny. I play 3 insruments, and try to play a few others. I'm in my schools band and jazz band, as well, I often play with my brother and cousins. Jam sessions at friends house are so much fun! I recommend music to anyone with artistic tallent, and anyone with the type of personality that can really get into things. It's a great thing, that can also make you a litle side money!

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So what do you all do to clear your mind or take it off something after a long day. or what do you enjoy doing with your freetime?


Snowboarding, reading, Star Trek DVDs (geek!) or (for heavy duty stress busting) Airsoft - which is a bit like paintball.


Snowboarding is the real head-clearer, particularly on Friday board nights at my local snow dome - meet up with friends, go riding, maybe try some new moves and have a laugh. I've also started instructing part-time on Saturday nights and it's a great way to meet new people, have lots of fun, promote the sport and get paid for doing something I love. I can put all my troubles aside for a few hours and enjoy the moment while I take a group of beginners from bumps and bruises to confident turns .

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I play electric guitar and compose classical music, it clears my mind because it is something that i have to concentrate on very hard and so it just seems to clear my head of any negative thoughts i may have been having.


Another thing i do when i need to clear my head is practice martial arts, i have a key to my local dojo so i can jog down there whenever i feel like it and do some bokken, bo or nunchaku work or i sometimes take a mate down and spar for a couple of hours.


Finally, i lift weights and run! I made up my own training plan after doing a load of (ongoing) research and reading. Im generally a road runner because i live in an urban area, although at weekends ill sometimes cram 20kgs into a haversack and tab a few miles accross the nearest countryside i can find.

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Either workout or go windsurfing.


Working out is great for me because if im really angry i can push more weight and am more aggressive with my lifts.


Windsurfing is great because its like you free for the time your ou ton the water.

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