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Where should I go from here with this guy that became distant?


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I've been dating this guy for a little while now. Everything seems to be going great. We talk about everything and anything and often share personal details about each other, and seem to be both very happy around each other. He has showed me signs that he is very serious about me, and regularly includes me in his plans for the future. He will pick me up and always drop me home. When we're out together, if he notices another man looking at me, he will sort of push his chest out to show dominance. He will at times order my meal for me and I will sit back, which is nice. He will suggest that he picks me up for most things, even if I need to go food shopping. He will open the door for me, hold my bags and do whatever to make me feel comfortable. For example, if we go and watch a movie, he will always bring a cardigan, just in case I get cold. We normally text every day for quite some time and he usually initiates most conversations telling me good morning or asking how I've slept, how my day has been, when we can catch up etc. We see each other quite a few times a week, and sometimes on the weekend.


About 2 months into dating, we decided to sleep with each other. That night he seemed to have cummed pretty quickly yet also made sure he pleased me, we cuddled for some time after that and then slept. I actually got my period that day unfortunately and he made sure we got everything we needed from the shops and then had something to eat. He took me out to dinner that night in which we had our usual good time, he spoke what he wants in a relationship, his views on marriage, where he wants to be in 5 years which is to have a family and be married. Then asked what mine are. He spoke about college for me, which I've been to college for a little while yet stopped and he suggested that I stick with a college for my future. We then went back to watch some movies and relaxed. That whole day, he kept getting texts and phone calls, and for most of the calls it seemed work only. I could hear what they were talking about. He told me that he was stressed out that they were going to ask him to be somewhere quick. Turns out, they did or whoever it was. He dropped me home around midnight and had to be somewhere early by the morning. When he dropped me home, he said that he was going to miss me and I didn't quite understand what he meant. Normally when he drops me home, we sort of organise when we're going to meet next. I asked out of curiosity and he said something along the lines of "I'll be away for a few days and I'll let you know when I'm back" The next morning, he texted me asking how I slept. His replies were pretty causal. I replied to keep the conversation going, and then it stopped. It went back to normal the next morning, however stopped pretty quickly. He told me that he was back in town and I told him that it was good to hear, I sent that and then I didn't hear anything for a week or so. As I never start the conversations, I reached out to him and asked how it went, he replied saying "Still working really hard babe, how are you?"


Where do you suggest I go from here now? Is it worth it?

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