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pain from break up, but still hoping to get back together, some day


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So if you saw my recent post yesterday where i suspected my gf going to break up with me, you don't have to read if you didnt already. the bottom line is that she did it. she broke up with me and we were having so much of a good time i thought. I was really enjoying her and i thought i meant as much to her as she did to me. But im now really confused. She told me she needs time to be on her own and relax by herself. She said it was too much for her to handle to be with each other all the time and if we cut back on hanging it out, it would just cause more issues. So while i'm in pain and really sad about the whole thing, i have a little bit of hope that we will reunite some day. We both still love each other and she said that for now she needs to be alone but would be down to get together again later in life. I just don't want to be waiting my whole life if it doesn't come to pass. but I might just spend some time alone myself anyways. but I hate not knowing where im going with this. I really loved her alot. and i was willing to accept everything that was wrong with her because to me she was worth it. I just hope i'm not waiting forever. And i have absolutely no desire to get another gf, i have no idea what either of us is going to feel any time soon. but i can't take too much time without her or im going to explode i think.

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Sounds like you should lay low for a while, dont actively look for another gf anytime soon. Adjust to being single, hang out with friends, do your usual activities, join some clubs or groups that interest you. Dont sit around and mope, that's the big thing! You may reunite one day, or you may not, time will tell.

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Hi there, I read your previous post...it sounds like neither of you are ready for a relationship. It was only 6 months so don't worry about it so much, you didn't have that much time invested. I know it hurts right now and may not make sense, but the best thing to do is to accept the relationship is over. This will help in the healing process. It sounds like you are still young so you will rebound quickly. Don't worry, things always work out for the best!

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Don't spend your time hoping to get back with this girl. That's a bad way to spend your time. As much as it hurts, if she wanted to be with you, she'd be with you. When someone breaks up with you, sometimes they say things so they won't hurt your feelings more. That's not a bad thing. It shows they're not just mean people. But sometimes we take those god intentions and read way more into them than are there. The chances of her changing her mind are pretty low, in my opinion. Hang with friends. Get in shape. Find a hobby. Do something, anything. Just don't mope and hope!

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