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Guess I wasn't worth an apology

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A couple days after his child's mother called me to tell me they've been together for 3 years including the few months I've been dating him, he hasn't bothered to even apologize. This is someone who claimed to care so much and have so much love for me. What a coward. I'm sure the baby momma took him back after finding out about me. I guess I surely dodged a bullet because I see the type of person he really is. If he could do that to her im sure he would've done me worse. I removed him on Instagram and somehow he's still stalking my pictures and liking them. This guy totally lacks empathy. How do I find closure after this mess.. I'm just hoping I don't become more bitter than I already am.

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The older I get, the more I really feel closure is a choice. You don't need him to say or do anything to get it.


You DID dodge a huge bullet with this guy.


The reason he hasn't apologizes is because he is a self centered asshat.


The reason he is still following you on social media is to try and keep himself in your life a potentially try and convince you to have an affair with him.


If you are like me, I would contact the baby mama and say "please have him stop following me on social media."

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he sounds like a total coward and jerk! cowards and jerks don't apologize because they're, well, cowards. I agree with poster above; maybe baby momma needs to know that he is stalking you. not just for your satisfaction, but because she may have no idea. and then, well, can you block him?

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The older I get, the more I really feel closure is a choice. You don't need him to say or do anything to get it.


You DID dodge a huge bullet with this guy.


The reason he hasn't apologizes is because he is a self centered asshat.


The reason he is still following you on social media is to try and keep himself in your life a potentially try and convince you to have an affair with him.


If you are like me, I would contact the baby mama and say "please have him stop following me on social media."


If I had her number I would definitely contact her to tell her, she called me from his phone. I'll just move on and find closure within myself. I deleted his number

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You refine your own skills, educate yourself, accomplish things you're proud of, and then stuff like this wont bother you as much.


If you're proud of yourself and what you're doing with yourself, you don't have time to get hung up over people who treat you poorly.


I suspect you're hung-up over this because it jabs at a weak point in your own confidence.

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You refine your own skills, educate yourself, accomplish things you're proud of, and then stuff like this wont bother you as much.


If you're proud of yourself and what you're doing with yourself, you don't have time to get hung up over people who treat you poorly.


I suspect you're hung-up over this because it jabs at a weak point in your own confidence.


I must admit this situation did take a shot at my confidence. It's also embarrassing to know I was "the other woman" even though I was lied to.

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Apology? Roaches don't come back and apologize for scurrying accross your floor, they just hide in the shadows when you shine light on them.


Don't let the lying/cheating D-bag ruin your life. It is your choice to see this for what it was. You were open and honest and had the misfortune of meeting a liar and a cheater.


If you let this change you he wins but if you learn and grow from this you win.




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But chronic cheaters and sociopaths (same thing really) are never sorry, because they don't have empathy. A decent person wouldn't have done what he did. Send one clear message that you do not want to ever see or hear from him again and after that block and delete him on everything. If he continues report him for stalking and get him banned from your pages.


And an apology from someone like that isn't worth the crap on his toilet paper. Seriously, it's usually just a sign they think they can manipulate more. It's the only time I've ever viewed an apology as an insult, because with someone like that it's sole purpose is to try and suck up to you and do worse.


Block, delete, flush. Not everyone out there is like this guy, not be a long shot. You just had a bad run in with one and have to simply cut him off everywhere, make it clear you want nothing to do with him, then move on with your life. And learn from the experience since there likely were red flags you saw, but didn't either realize what they were or excused them away.


You will recover from this, sadly his poor child only gets the one dad and it's a bad one.

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