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Backround: She's a 20F i'm a 21M and we dated for 1.5 years. I'm in the military and shes a college student so a majority of our relationship has been LDR. We were good friends for 2 years before we started dating and have talked nearly everyday for 3 years.


What happened: My ex and I broke up 3 weeks ago due to her no being happy and her saying she didn't feel like herself while in a relationship but still wanted to be friends. I told her I didn't want to be friends because If I saw her with another man I'd be devastated and jealous. during the first week of post breakup, I begged and pleaded almost every other day but she got to the point where she ignored me and said she would never get back with me. After that day I went out and had sex with a woman I met at a bar. After that night I just ted myself out, hitting up girls from work, old friends and have had sex with two other women. But even after having sex I miss the crap out of my ex. I've been in No contact for about 2 weeks now and the urge to talk to her has been running through my mind. But, since I was the dumpee I want her to reach out to me first. I look at her facebook every so often and she seems happy. I don't want to contact her because maybe she's happier without me.


Is this normal? for me to have sex with other chicks and still not move on? I've never ted myself out like this and this weekend i'm supposed to be meeting another woman but I don't know if I should bail. Please help as I dont feel like myself or i'm just confused


Also, if she does contact me, how should I react? Thanks

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Perhaps she wants some space too and wants to have a break.

I would suggest just letting things go, let her go from your mind - will take time, but do it. Trust me, otherwise her thoughts will eat you up. Not good.

Dont wait around, dont give yourself false hope. Move on, have fun ... and if its meant to be, you guys might even get back together. But dont count on it. Live. and Let Go. otherwise you will end feeling hurt and miserable.

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You're kidding right? You're three weeks out of a long term relationship and you think sleeping with a couple of girls will cure your broken heart?


You need to be on your own for a while and heal. Screwing around isn't going to help. And not that it matters, but you can kiss reconciliation goodbye if your ex ever found out you'd slept around almost instantly after the breakup.


Time to grow up a bit. Take the time to process this. It takes time. Don't use people in order to make yourself feel better.

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