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What are you lonely guys and gals doing on Valentine's Day?

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I was wondering for those who don't have dates, what are doing for that dreaded day: Valentine's Day? Last year it was on a Saturday, and all I could do was think about this girl who I love dearly, who is married, and what she was doing that day and especially that night. This year it's on a monday, so at least I can watch wrestling to take my mind off of it. I'm thinking of taking the day off so that I don't have to see it rubbed in my face in the form of couples holding hands and kissing. Oh well, there's always next year, which is what I've been telling myself for the past 20+ years. Fiddlesticks!

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Well, I'm just going to go to work, do my job, then go home and work out at night. I expect to hurt very much on the 15th. lol . Nothing else really planned. Besides, Valentines day would have been my ex's and mine aniversary. I'm going to do everything in my power not to think about it because honestly, she ain't worth it.


Funny thing is, she's trying to get back with me lately. Sorry sister, that cruise ship has sailed, make do with the dingy you abondoned ship in. lol

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No plans at the moment. It's kinda difficult to organise something on V-day because all my friends are with their significant others and most places are fully booked up with couples.


Might opt for the usual - a quiet night in with a good book or DVD and lots of chocolate

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Well this is my 1st Valentines Day alone without a girlfriend since 2002.

We broke up in October and it'll be different to say the least.


But I'm gonna make the best of it though.

I know for a fact that a lot of clubs and bars have special Valentines Day events so I'm considering going with a couple of friends and checking it out.


It'll give me something to do instead of reminiscing about past V-Days with her.

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Same here, will have gone to court the previous friday to do the Ore Tenus hearing for my divorce, so it's all on for an Anti-V day as far as I am concerned. Will be celebrating with a single friend of mine, and relaxing not worrying about the 'love' aspect.


Hell, I'm allergic to chocolate, wt* does this holiday do for me anyway!?!

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I've only had one GF, and she made every VDay awfull!!!


Those days when by default we had to argue/fight because she wouldn't like somthing, she always found something to be mad for.



So maybe this will be the first one I'll be happy being alone, and I'll pretend it is just another day.

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I feel your pain...since most of my friends seem to be in blissful love right now ( it is rather annoying ), I think I'll probably stay home and drink myself to sleep...lol. Desperately try to recruit other lonely friends. I was thinking I would send myself flowers just as a little gag/to make me smile...but i'm not sure if i would smile and then possibly cry - so i doubt I'll do that now. That and my friends would cringe at my self-pity. My advice - be nonchalant and bitter. That's what I'm doing. Valentines Day sucks, and those losers don't know what they're missing sitting home alone!

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It's on a Monday so that means homework, homework, and of course, homework. Who needs a date when you have corporate finance to read and keep you company? Really, it's just another day, nothing special or romantic about it. Valentines Day, bah humbug.


Kyoshiro Ogari, I'll be watching wrestling too. Batista vs Triple HHH at WrestleMania, who do you think will win?

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Well I have to work from 6am-4pm that day so at least the first part of the day I'll be busy. THen that night I'll just probably come home and watch tv, listen to some music, eat dinner like I always do. I would drink but I have to be at work the next morning again at 6am. Who knows I may still drink anyways lol.

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I don't even know when it is. Most years I don't even realize it happened.


I've never had a girlfriend during Valentine's day (or Christmas either) which is a cool thing because I didn't have to buy any presents! Actually, of the girlfriends I have had, I have never been with them over their birthdays either. So I have never had to buy a present at all! (except for a few little things just for the hell of it)

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1. Going to work from 8:00 to 15:00

2. Go home, take shower and eat something

3. Take delivery of my brand new 2005 Pontiac Grand Am GT @ 18:00 8)


At least getting the new car will keep my mind off of being all alone on V-day. Too bad the passenger's seat will be empty though. *sigh...*

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