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ex contacted me.. thinking of breaking nc


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I posted here about our b/u a month or two ago. We had great chimistry and i fell hard for her quick. She dumped me said she wasent happy with our current situation. I begged her for about a week or two and ultimately she turned cold. It took me some time to relize what i was doing. So i started the healing process with nc. Took her off facebook and wont let friends tell me anything about her.. so i know nothing of what shes up too. Went a whole month and she contacted me via text. She asked me how i was doing. I was short and a little cold due to the pain i had been through from moving on. She snapped and told me im the reason my bestfriend.. whos her friend wont talk to her. I said probably because u dumped his bestfriend with a text. Ya i know it wasent smart to bring that up. She blew up on me. So i went nc again for about a week.. had a weak moment and texted her hey. Never got a response and was kinda relieved. I was going to apologize for our last conversation. Well that was a little over a week ago. She just texted me today "hey" and about 5 minutes after she said "sorry.". I dont know what to think about this. Idk what shes sorry for? I dont even know what to say. I still have deep feelings for her but Im tired of being hurt.

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You shouldn't apologize for your friend not wanting to talk to her. Or for telling that person your story of the breakup, she would have done the same in your shoes. People and in my experience especially women- like to keep a good image towards other people after the breakup, even if it means twisting the facts a bit.


Maybe she said sorry for texting the wrong person? If she meant to apologize for something else then it wasn't a very detailed one.


Continue the path you are on. And good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

She's sorry she blew up on you. She's sorry this is hard for both of you. She's pissed that her breaking up with you has had a negative affect on her life (losing friends etc). It's all normal and part of breaking up. Sucks for both parties.


But she's not sorry that she broke up. She doesn't want to get back together. Go back into NC. Don't respond to her at all, unless she tells you she wants to talk about getting back together (she probably wont). Focus on your healing. Good job on that first month, and on ignoring her pointless "hey". Keep at it and you will find a way - being tired of being hurt is a good sign that you are making progress.

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