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So my girlfriend and I have been dating for about a year and seven months. Prior to dating we were close friends for a year. Our relationship has been long distance ever since the start because i'm active duty military. The last time I visited home was in January and her and I were madly in love and couldn't wait to see each other again. After January, she went to go study abroad in South Africa for college she returns next week. 2 months after she left, I got orders to deploy and wouldn't be back until a month after she got back. Just a couple days ago she told me she doesn't like me anymore and that she doesn't want to be in a relationship. I pleaded and beg for her to wait until I got home to make such a rash decision, she said no that she couldn't wait much longer. The day after we broke up she said she felt free and with that brought much anger to me. I said many hateful/rude things that I didn't mean. We planned a trip that costs over $1500 that we now had to cancel because she didn't want to go. I told her that she may have felt this way because we havent seen each other in so long but the home coming will be worth the wait. She didn't agree. She bashed on me saying that I used distance as an excuse. I've never been so confused in my life because just a few days ago she was telling me how much she loved me and how she can't wait to see me. I go back home in 7 weeks, Should I see her or stay away? Should I try to fix things or is there no hope? I don't feel like this breakup is finalized because of the fact that it was over text and that i'm home soon. Someone please tell me what I should do.

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I am sorry but it is likely that someone else has caught her fancy and thus the "hasty" departure.


You will only be home a short while before being deployed again. The active duty military life is not really condusive to dating.

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Unfortunately I have to agree with Mhowe...sounds like another has swept in while you were apart. I would leave her alone and focus on yourself, you're very young and have your whole life ahead of you. Best not to get anchored down, you'll fine! Thanks for your service the military is awesome and you'll find a gal who will be true to you. Take care

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