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What is wrong with my therapist?


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I'm not one of those teens who feel "entitled" but I have been seeing a therapist for my depression and social anxiety. I have been seeing her since March. I turn 18 next month and I'm still in high school. I see my therapist 2 times a week(once by myself and once with my parents). Every time that I see her with my parents she tells them "If you don't want to live with someone with a mental illness you can kick Dylan out anytime you want because he's 18." I'm not 18 yet but I turn 18 soon. That makes me feel like a burden, like it is my fault I have depression(I have major depression btw). I usually hide all of my emotions but yes my parents know that I have it. My parents don't even bring that subject up it's just my therapist who does it. I'm not even a lazy teen, I try not to let the depression or social anxiety get in the way of school or anything etc.. She keeps telling them they should kick me out because of it. I'm serious. It's starting to make me feel really upset/mad. Once I even told her(therapist) this "Look, I'm turning 18 not 28 nothing is wrong with it." What should I say or do? And what do you think is wrong with my therapist?

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I think your 'therapist' should've payed more attention in psychology and should take another refresher course. She needs it. Get a new therapist. An uneducated therapist could do more harm than good.. Although what she says is technically true, a good therapist would be constructive and not make you feel like you're the problem, but a person With a problem. And actually help YOU

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I think your 'therapist' should've payed more attention in psychology and should take another refresher course. She needs it. Get a new therapist. An uneducated therapist could do more harm than good.. Although what she says is technically true, a good therapist would be constructive and not make you feel like you're the problem, but a person With a problem. And actually help YOU


I agree, it's like she never listens.

I'll see about getting a new one. I don't think it was right the way she was saying it though, because she made it seem like I'm such a burden and a problem to people because of what I have. Yeah I agree I'll look into finding a new therapist.

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