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Girlfriend cheated how to get over it ?


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I love my girlfriend too much to let one stupid mistake ruin our relationship. We got in a fight one day, the next she went out to a party. She apparently got really drunk, grinded on a guy, and made out with him for a half hour. The next week we were both fine. It wasn't until two months later that she tells me about it, but I can tell she really regretted it and is sincere in her apology. I want to forgive her and forget, but it's the latter that is giving me difficulty.


Just thinking about ever kissing her or dancing with her again will remind me of the incident. What are some things I can do to help speed up the process of accepting things?

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What is she doing to help you through this? I actually would worry that the next argument, she may do the same thing. And it's really a childish way to get back at you.


I really need to start going through the post histories of OPs first before responding. Seems you may have left some out of the story this time. I don't know why people do this.

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You forgot to mention that you were BROKEN UP with her. Remember! She DID NOT cheat on you!


You also forgot to mention that you cheated on her while you WERE in a relationship.


You keep posting the same thread, daily. What answers are you looking for? i would suggest you go back to yesterday's answers.

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She didn't cheat Johnny. You were on a break. You can call it cheating, but that doesn't make it so.


You told her "we shouldn't talk for a while". That is break up talk.


You danced with a girl and kissed her WHEN YOU WERE TOGETHER.

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I also like how first she kissed this guy for two minutes. Now she's kissing and grinding him for a half hour. Next thread they will have had sex on the dance floor as people cheered and posted cell phone video on YouTube.


She used tongue. That is a magnifier.

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i also like how first she kissed this guy for two minutes. Now she's kissing and grinding him for a half hour. Next thread they will have had sex on the dance floor as people cheered and posted cell phone video on youtube.



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Why how dare she make out with another guy after her boyfriend breaks up with her following his dancing with some other girl and making out with her.


I mean really, don't those harem girls know to sit on the shelf being good until they're needed. It is not what's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, apparently.


Okay, yes I'm being sarcastic. Your girlfriend was hurt and upset that you cheated on her, you break up, she thinks to herself, "Fine, if that's the way he wants to play it, I guess I'm free to go behave like he did. At least I'm not a cheater like he was since we're broken up." And then you both get back together and now you're lording it over her trying to make her the bad guy in all of this.


Uh, no Johny, no she's not. Take responsibility for your own actions here and stop trying to make this about her instead of you. You broke up with her after you cheated on her. She at least waited until you were broken up. BTW what exactly are you doing to make up for what you did to her?

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