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My baby's hair and eyes keep changing colour?

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My son was born with really dark hair and greyish/green eyes. His eyes then turned brown-ish and now look hazel. Meanwhile his hair is turning really light blonde. I was wondering what colour his hair and eyes will be by 1 years old I'm just super curious. I thought for sure he'd have brown hair and brown eyes since his eyes were really dark and his hair was extremely dark and long but it all fell out. Sometimes his eyes look yellow even lol.


So now my guess is hazel eyes with blonde hair? It's hard to figure out. I love him all the same! Just super curious!

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Impossible to know.


My son was born with black hair but that all fell out and it came in much lighter. He had blue eyes when he was born but they didn't turn their permanent colour till he was about a-year-old . His eyes are green. When he was two or around two his hair was almost blonde. Now every year he gets older his hair gets darker and darker. He's a few shades off black. Both my husband and I are extremely dark brunettes. ( or at least we were when we were young) My husband has blue eyes and I have green eyes. And we are both extremely fair. I imagine my son has his adult colouring as he's about almost 18. He is an extremely dark brunette with green eyes and very fair skin.

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Totally normal. My youngest son was born with coal black hair and dark blue eyes, then when he was maybe a year old all the black hair feel out leaving him bald. What grew in were beautiful ash blonde waves and his eyes lightened as well, first to a sort of teal color then finally going green.


My oldest son started out with white blonde hair and it's darkened up to a brown color, getting darker with each year. Eye color stayed the same blue. My middle son was born a redhead with green eyes, that stayed the same his entire life, lucky savage.

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It's too hard to say!


My son was born with dark hair, which when it fell out it went reddish. Now it is a mop of medium brown curls. He had blue/gray eyes at birth(pretty common), they went green, now they are brown...Or actually, they're probably hazel, there's still some green/amber in there. But they may turn darker. He was also very light complected, as light as I am. Now he's a good 4 shades darker.


I had red hair and blue eyes until I was 5. When I say red, I don't mean auburn. I mean red. Now I have medium/carmel brown hair and green eyes.


It's fun though to watch the changes, isn't it?

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I love this thread! So interesting!


I don't have any kids yet. One day I hope! My friends' baby is mixed and she surprised everyone when she was born with red hair and slate blue eyes. No idea how it will change when she's older.


OP, if I'd had to guess your son will likely keep the blonde hair during his early childhood years. Time will tell if it'll darker further. For the other stories, his eye color could still change over the years.

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