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What causes young men to be attracted to older women?


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The whole MILF phenomenon seems to have only gotten big with the last 20 years or so. When I was a young lad I don't recall anybody bragging about banging middle aged women.


I do think middle age women look better on average than they did in the past, but my perception may be skewed, lol. Maybe 40 actually is the new 30.


The whole cougar subculture makes young men think older divorced women are easier catches than girls their age. That they are less likely to want something serious, and more well off, so they aren't as needy in terms of gifts and being wined and dined. Heck they might think they can get some free dinners themselves.

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The whole MILF phenomenon seems to have only gotten big with the last 20 years or so. When I was a young lad I don't recall anybody bragging about banging middle aged women.


I do think middle age women look better on average than they did in the past, but my perception may be skewed, lol. Maybe 40 actually is the new 30.


The whole cougar subculture makes young men think older divorced women are easier catches than girls their age. That they are less likely to want something serious, and more well off, so they aren't as needy in terms of gifts and being wined and dined. Heck they might think they can get some free dinners themselves.


This. Cougars seem to really love me (and I put my age limit from like 28 years to like 34 years on these sites lol).

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I've noticed this phenomenom also.


I'm in my early 40s and being pursued for a relationship by a 29 year old. We've had sex a few times and he wants more. I am pretty aloof b/c I know this can only be temporary and has to be a secret. I don't want him to become attached. I think the fact that I put zero pressure on him and just enjoy the time together is attractive. My guess is that most single women his age want a ring on their finger.

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