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I suspect I have them. I cannot see a doctor for a bit because of my busy schedule in college. But this is really on my mind alot.

I know none of you are doctors. Or maybe one is? But I'm just curious if someone could let me know if you think this could be what's wrong with me, or if you personally have had them, the actions that need to be taken, if it could make me infertile, etc. And plus, who knows if someone else is suspecting them too and reads this. That's why I don't hesitate to post because it seems like everyone finds someone on here who has a similar situation. It's good to know you're not alone. Hence the name of the forum.... I'm rambling =\


My reasons for believing I have Ovarian Cysts:


+For years I have had pinching pain near my ovaries in between periods. For years. Maybe this could mean that I keep producing them and they go away on their own since it's been years? I'd say it's been 4 years that this is happening. The pain only comes when I'm moving around, even just a bit like walking for a long distance, or standing for a while.

+My period gives me HORRENDOUS cramps. I'm doubled over in pain. It's horrible.

+Sometimes intercourse is uncomfortable, but not all of the time. Not to be too graphic, but I do tighten after a day-- just a bit, so maybe I'm getting it confused with that because I don't feel the pain where my ovaries are.. but it's almost like it's at the cervix.


I never told a doctor because I always thought it was my apendix, and they felt my stomach, all of that, and I dismissed it. And I'm realizing the pain really is just not where my appendix is and it's my ovaries.. It's hard for me to explain what I mean by that, but I'm just trying to clarify why I haven't been to the doctor for it yet.

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Geeezz... why are you telling us!?!!? Go to the doctor! I know that you must be super busy with college, but this is your life we are talking about. Skip a class or two and get yourself to a clinic. If you tell your profs that you have a medical issue and need to be excused from class for a day, that is perfectly acceptable. You don't even need to tell them why - it's none of their business.


Even if some of us are doctors, they can't tell you anything until they examine you in person.


Nothing is more important than your health - take care of this issue at once!

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I have the exact same pinching pain that you have. For two years I've been to doctor after doctor and no one knows what it is. I've been so worried about it.


I actually also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, but that hasn't explained the pain away either. I have an appointment with a gyno in a few days and am hoping I'll get a bit further there.


Some symptoms of PCOS are being prone to putting on weight (lucky I'm a gym junkie), irregular periods, annovular cycles (infertility basically), possible excess hair growth, central obesity (meaning weight gain around the stomach etc... without putting it on anywhere else). There are other symptoms too - this is just off the top of my head.


Have you been trying to conceive at all? A lot of the time it's not until then that woman find out that they have it. I take a medication called Metformin to help with it - this is actually a diabeties medication, but it now is often used in PCOS patients. However, just from what you've said, PCOS doesn't necessarily come to mind.


When you can go to a doctor, the best kind of specialist for you to go to may be an endocrinologist. Unfortunately I don't have that option myself as there are none in my city whatsoever.


I hope this has helped a bit. All the best.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I finally went to the doctor and it is not ovarian cysts. I think they are "cysts" but not harmful. They just fill up with fluid and go away on their own, and my doctor explained to me what I would feel if they were, and that it would be pain that would last and last and hurt much more than this does.

I'm glad I don't have anything serious.

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